happy december first.
i woke up this morning to some flurries and snow on the ground, but now it's melted.. and it's freezing cold with the wind and rain! bleh.
last night, alex and i went out to this little pub/restaurant and had martinis and white russians, and a big plate of nachos. it was wonderful.
then, i caught the very last bus home, and came home to some drama in my res hall which included the cops, the drunk tank, lots of noise, and yelling, and a person that was hiding and MIA.
all in all. it was a good night.
i came home, and woke up my boyfriend to talk to him and tell him my adventures, and then sleeeep.
so this afternoon, i worked out, went to safeway, and now i'm going to crack down and study for a couple hours before i go out with sierra and alex to a movie, and then drinks! hip hip.
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