Mar 1, 2008

hey dear, bat an eyelash.

Young dear, don’t tell me that everything you could possibly need and want is right where you are. Don’t tell me such lies until you explore first. You are never going to find Opportunity dwelling in your small nest that you call home. There is a time when you must move away from past dreams, hopes, and loves. If only you would try something new. You know my dear, you can grow if you explore. If you insist on staying in your cozy niche with your lame attitude of settling where you started, then I can’t help but stifle my laugh. You need to get out, literally remove yourself from old comforts, and get out. You have many things to learn my dear. You are probably still naïve (did you ever consider that?). Opportunity is staring you straight in the eye, and for some odd reason, you won’t bat an eyelash and realize that you are stuck (do you want to be stuck?). Don’t you try to tell me that what I need is what you have. You see my dear, I need more than that. You won’t admit that you need more too. You are in denial. You are afraid of seizing moments and taking chances. I wish that Opportunity would grab your hand and force you to explore. I could scream, and you still wouldn’t get it. Someday you may, but probably not. For you, my dear, have already settled. And we are far too young to settle.

With all my frustrations lately about my home town, opportunity, judgment, and know-it-alls... I came up with this. I was debating whether to put it up on my blog, because I wasn't sure if it was a bit too much, or if I was judging others by writing this. Anyways, it's up. So, there.


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