Apr 30, 2008


Today was my last day of vacation before I start work. I woke up at 8 a.m. to jump start my day. I made myself a blueberry smoothie and sat down to watch Cribs. Then I got ready for my day. I decided to have a little photo shoot. I had some particular ideas in which I really needed the tripod. Well, I could not find the tripod anywhere...so I called my Dad at work, but he wasn't in his classroom. So, I decided to be resourceful...I found this long tall hard plastic tube thing in my Dad's shop. It stood on its' own, and my camera rested nicely on the top...so I decided to use it! Everything was going fine, pictures were being taken, blah blah, and then...it happened...what I sort of knew would happen. The tube lost it's balance, and my camera went flying to the ground. It was broken: I knew it. The lense is all crooked, and won't close back into the camera. Well, I just know that there is no warranty for clumsy (and thoughtless) people like me. So, I called my parents and explained my situation. I told them I deserved credit for my resourcefulness, and that in all fairness I did call my Dad first to ask where the tripod was! I am now planning on going to Staples, and begging them to send it away for free, but I know it will not happen. So, in that case, I am already online looking for a new camera. Secretly, I did want a new camera this summer... so maybe this is the perfect opportunity?? Now, all I need is the money...only problem is I am in dire need of summer clothes and saving for school...hm hm hm.

Anyways, for the rest of my day I just had tea with Tash to do some planning, and then went to the gym for step class. Now I am tired, and totally looking forward to work tomorrow (I am serious; I am bored). However, before work comes a 7:45 wake up call and heading to the gym. Yipee. Bring it on.

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