Sep 13, 2008

two week mark

It's been two weeks since I arrived back in Victoria. This past week at school has been busy! I had three papers due. Yikes!! But, I successfully wrote them all... and got one of them back in which I got a 4.5/5 on it! So I was pretty stoked. 

Other than that, I have been trying to get back into running. Since it's still like summer here, I enjoy running in the morning. I'm really hoping to keep it up. I also walk to school three days a week... and it's straight up hill.. so I suppose that is good. I walk to and from Dale and my place a all in all .. I'm really getting my walking in. Dale and I joined the ISC but we've only been a few times! It's good though because there are tons of weights and machines to use and try out. It's always busy, so I told Dale I like it most so I can people watch. And it's amazing all these different work out routines that people think of. haha. I guess I am not used to the busy-ness of a gym... because when I would go to World's... it was almost always dead. 

I miss my home, my besties, and my family a lot. But, I'll be home for Thanksgiving: only for two full days... but at least it's something!

I'll write more soon.

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