This weekend was Halloween. It was really fun! However, it got off to rough start, when the fire alarm went off in our entire building. I was alone, and I may or may not have set it off. yikes. I was cooking some chicken wings, waiting for Lex and Jenn to come home. I took them out, shut off the oven, and all the sudden.... BEEP BEEP. At first my neighbors told me it was nothing and to go back inside.. but it was so loud! So finally, me and this older lady left and went to the front of the building. Two firetrucks showed up, and I waited outside til Lex came back. I was frantically calling people to tell them my building may be on fire. It wasn't. Thank God. I asked a fireman if it was my chicken wings, he said he hoped it wasn't.
Anyways, so then us three were back in the condo getting ready, and people started to come over. It was a good time. We all took the bus downtown to Plan b, and drank more, and danced more. It was fun. However, Alex got sick, Dale ended up in Metchosin, the rest of us couldn't get a taxi until 330...and it was freezing out! Dale got back to his place at 7 am. He walked/ran all the way from like half an hour out of town! Yikes. It was scary...glad he was okay.
Saturday I spent all my time doing homework, and napping. I headed off to Dale's around 730 pm, and we ended up going to see Saw V with Alex and Pat. It was just as gross as the previous 4, and Alex and I spent the whole movie with our eyes covered. haha.
Today I just did more homework. Dale and I went to the mall mid-afternoon, and I found some great steals. Number one being my cute top of $2.20!
This week is a busy one. I have a math assignment to finish, and a 15 page paper for Sociology to get started on. I go home Friday! I can't wait. It's going to be a good visit home.