Today was a stressful/frustrating/angry/tired/sad day. I can't help but be overwhelmed as I am unemployed, and have been job searching since January! I printed out a ton of resumes and headed down to my new apartment location thinking there were tons of places to apply ... well there are tons of places, just none that are in my interest of work. So then downtown it was to the mall. I got an application from Coles, and an interview to Aldo Accessories. Then, I went to London Drugs to hand in a resume, and I need to apply online for that (but there is no where to apply online?). My mom gave me the link to a parks and rec job that looks decent, so I am in the midst of filling that out and making a cover letter.
Other than that, I walked to and from the gym, and had a good workout to blow off some steam. Home for some leftover pad thai, and I waited for Chels to come over. We chatted and watched a movie, and drank two cups of tea each. It was the perfect low-key night that I needed with a girlfriend!
Tomorrow ... the gym, more job hunting, basically the same thing I do everyday: story of my life.
... until I get un-boring!
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