May 6, 2009

i thought april showers bring may flowers.

Rain again today. This week has been full of it. Yuck! 

This week is a full week of birthdays: Brent, Audrey Hepburn, Steph, Nicole, and Dianna! Tomorrow night we are going out to celebrate the week of birthdays for my three highschool friends. I am tres excited! I have been looking forward to this for weeks now! 

Yesterday I walked down to Mayfair Mall. It actually does not take that much time at all! I found a good route that takes about 40 minutes. Except, it started to pour rain on me sooo that slowed me down a bit with my umbrella in tow, plus texting the entire way. Anyways, I had to pick up some sparkles from le mall, and I tried on a few t-shirts that I wanted to purchase in the states. They are from the Gap and they are the perfect plain tee that has the longer sleeves, and falls a bit lower on the hips. Plus, the are super comfy and only $19.50. I want one in every color! Anyways, it was still raining when I left, but I found my way home (except for missing Pear St. and going a bit further than I wanted to) okay. Chels came over for a little visit, and then I spent a couple hours being taught more signs from Brian. Yesterday was day 3, I think I am improving a bit? 

Today: I need to clean my bathroom, pack, go to the gym, and possibly go downtown to look at a little Mother's day pressie!

rain, rain go away.

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