I've got some chicken marinating in the fridge (lemon pepper!), and waiting for my brother's arrival home from work. I am also going to cook up some rice and green beans and asparagus. YUM. Tonight on the Bachelorette: the men tell all! Next week is the finale. Kipton, please (or Reeeeeid...can he come back?).
Yesterday was absolutely wonderful at the beach. Sierra and I hit it up pretty early in order to get some quality sun before she had to work. I am now a nice brown, finally getting my summer skin :)
I came home and did a pretty big clean of the place: I vacuumed, sprayed scotch guard, did the dishes, took out the recycling and the garbage, cleaned the bathroom, organized my room a bit, windex-ed, etc.
Harry Potter was pretty uh-mazing last night! I couldn't reeeeally remember the book, so everything seemed new to me. I am excited for the very last one! The end of the movie was pretty cliff hanger-ish, and it left me wanting more!
Today I had a lazy morning, and then worked 1:00-4:00. The day went by quick because there was lots to do at work! I like those days. I went grocery shopping after I hopped off the bus, and got everything I wanted ON SALE! I am beginning to be such a great shopper :)
I am exhausted. After the bachelorette, I'll be off to bed to read a bit before sleeping. I am about halfway through my book, and it keeps getting better and better!
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