Aug 12, 2009


This week has been long, I keep feeling like I'm one day ahead of myself (and my work schedule). I am working six days in a row, and most of the days are quite long days! And we've been busy at the store: moving things around, and marking things down! However, it makes the shifts go by faster. Tomorrow I am opening and I work until 5. And then for Friday, I don't work til 5. So I get sort of a day off ... 24 hours ... Anyways, to say the least, I am exhausted. I've loved having my parents here! The condo is falling into place, and I am getting lots of yummy home cooked meals (and lunches for work). I am terribly excited to have 4 days off and head to the Okanagan for some family time! I will post some pictures soon of the place...within the next few weeks when more stuff has been done. Anyways, now I am just sitting with a Earl Grey tea Misto from Starbucks, and going to watch the Real World at 10. Then off to bed....I've started into Breaking Dawn and it's so intense so far! Completely different than the other 3 books, but good! I don't know what I'll do when I'm done the series!


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