Hello, Weekend...Turkey weekend, that is! My Momma arrived on Wednesday night, and we ordered Thai food and watched ANTM. I had class yesterday. We went to South Park School for our Seminar class. The school is amazing. It is known as a Family School...meaning the parents are super super involved, and are able to join their child's class at any time. The students call their teachers by their first name, and the school itself is just wonderful and grand. It was built in the 1800's and the windows are huge, and let in all the gorgeous sunshine. I got to observe a 4/5 class (no longer split classes, but multi-age groups) in a music session. They were listening to Peter and the Wolf which used music as the character's voices. It was a cool concept for a music class. Last night, my momma made us fajitas, and I watched 3 hours worth of tv (egads!): Vampire Diaries (I get sooo into it and the "vamping out" bits), Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice. I am also getting hooked on the show Glee. If you haven't checked it out, it's on episode 6...and well I'm on the 3rd one, and it's pretty amazing. I'm a sucker for singers/singing. Today was a good day. Language Arts was wonderful as usual: I won a book in class! We had our second visit to Braefoot Elementary for PE class. I got to be a team captain to 4 boys, and so that was pretty fun. Then, we got buddied up with our student that we'd been assigned to observe. We had to teach them the new rolling game that our cohort had learned on Tuesday. And then Drama, it was good too. We played a couple games to do with occupations and careers. Anyways, came home for a bit, and my Pops arrived. Us four headed downtown to check out the convention centre to pick up my mom's marathon shirt, and grab lots of freebie stuff. We had salmon for dinner, and my aunt joined us. Now, I am working on my PE paper, and watching Adventureland. Tomorrow: up fairly early to work on my paper, and then head downtown for some shopping with my moma!
gobble, gobble. happy long weekend.
you did not just say gobble gobble
ReplyDeletei so did just say gobble gobble.