california sapphire and faded jeans: I hope you get your dreams they were here first our lips can touch, and our cheeks can brush get your sexy on maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed: maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone-just as wild-to run with them dairy queen new york i love you in all moments of our absurdity sunshine heals all things she got out of town prom time's square spain, and all that happened there tay-oh's wonder why, doesn't matter take chances on chances cool is ... i'm looking for love-real love-ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming,-can't live with out each other-love i don't have the words to describe being infinite we have a love people dream about heaven on a stick fate poster girl with no poster tim horton's beauty is behind the heartbeat honey and the moon msn driving the goo goo dolls love mexico crushes jumbo cookies footloose ballet flats
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