Tomorrow afternoon starts reading break. Much needed. I am starting to get sick. My throat is sore, I've got the sniffles, and my head just doesn't feel right! I am hoping it's just a cold, and not h1n1. I've had a busy week so far! Lots of teaching stuff, working on group projects, and catching up on homework! Gosh, I've done so much homework this week! Tomorrow I'm teaching a grade 3 PE lesson, and then LA and Drama on either side of teaching. I am working Saturday through Wednesday, so 5 days of work here I come! Plus, time and a half on Monday. I decided not to go to Vancouver. When I started to get sick/homework was piling up, I just decided that staying on island would be best for me. After my school visit today, I bought a cute bag from Aldo...retail therapy for not going to Vancouver/being sick/treat for a busy week. Less than a month of school left. Wow. I've got a busy month ahead of me: but I am definitely looking forward to a few things that keep me going!
Enjoy your weekends.
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