Nov 12, 2009

defying gravity

New fav song from glee...but actually from Wicked: defying gravity. I'm in love with it, and am trying to practice it to hit those high notes. I'd like to think I can carry a tune, but I actually want to give myself something to work on. So...defying gravity it is. Also watched the youtube clip from Wicked, and decided Wicked must be my next Broadway show I see. I had wanted to see it so badly in New York..but I got to two see other great ones (The Lion King and Hair Spray, not to mention The Phantom of the Opera in Vegas). But, I'll put it on the list of things to do.

Anyways, spent a full day at work today (1:30 til 9:30). So, I am pretty tired tonight! I made it to the gym this morning for Chi Ball...and it was a super work out. Bah. My eating habits have not been so hot this week on the break...definitely been back to work on that tomorrow!

So, I was supposed to teach an language arts lesson tomorrow am, but it has not been postponed until Tuesday. I wanted to get it over with, but I didn't feel totally I guess it's good. Also, tomorrow, Drama Preliminary Lesson Plan due...that's all ready to go! This weekend will be busy...lots more working, and trying to get my PE assignment done, plus the website for computer class. Saturday night, Amy, Tiff, and I are having a huge hang out sesh to work on the website/slumber party haha.

Oh! and next week, Chels and I are hoping to get tickets for Romeo & Juliet up on campus :)

Sleep well,

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