Hope you are enjoying your weekends! I have had a rather relaxing weekend, but then again, it has gone by far too quickly! Friday--I ended up skipping my last class, so I was done at 12...but I had two naps throughout the afternoon and caught up on Thursday night shows. I worked a bit on my third art lesson plan in the evening, and hit up the gym. Then I cooked Dale and I dinner, and afterwards, headed to Carli's new place! I got to meet Zoey, and she is absolutely adorable and so lovable! And their new place looks great. Yesterday, I worked at 2:00, so didn't do a whole lot before then except for some cleaning. Work went by super quickly (it was pretty busy!), and then I headed back to Dale's. We had ouuuuuuur gang over for appies and drinks during the fights. It was fun! And, we even participated in Earth Hour with three little candles.
Today: slept in late, and now am finishing up my Art homework! It has gone quicker than I had anticipated, so I am going to hopefully hit up the gym laters. And "The Pacific" is on tonight!
"Who's going to be there tonight? The usual, the clique? We have a clique now. When I go home I'm going to tell everyone I am part of a clique."