so i am back in school, i started classes on thursday, and i am having my first full day today. i have 4 classes today! that is quite a bit for one day. i came back to victoria on wednesday night with dale. it was really fun to take the ferry over with him and i.
however, we had to take a ferry to nanaimo, and then drive to victoria, because all the victoria ferries were full. we ended up getting home only a bit later than we had expected. that night dale and i ate subway and watched movies. we brought so much stuff back here, so my room was extremely full of clutter, and you couldn't see the floor.
I had class early thursday morning: it was my poetry class. i think that class will be fun; we just read out poems and try to analyze them.. there isn't a lot of teaching going on... more just ideas and thoughts.
then i had math at one. i am unsure on how this course is going to go, because it seems that it is more learning how to teach for elementary classes, and really understand how numbers and laws work. it is boring.
then i ended up skipping my psych class in the afternoon, because alex, dale, and i went out for lunch, then to chapters and the mall. we were in search for a book for dale, but had no such luck. however, alex found a cocktail book, and i found an audrey hepburn one. neither of us bought them though.
thursday night dale and i went for dinner and a movie.
friday: we slept in, worked out, got my text books, went for an early supper, and then later on met up with alex for drinks at christy's pub.
saturday: grocery shopped with alex, and drove around for hours trying to find a place to fill the air on dale's car tires. then dale and i just went for dinner and drinks, and then came home to play guitar hero and watch dane cook. i fell asleep for a bit, and then we played more guitar hero when i woke up around 12.
dale left early sunday morning, it was really sad. both of us were having a really hard time saying good bye. we haven't been apart for this amount of time (until the middle of february) before. it'll be about a month and a half, and the most we have been apart is like a month. i am terribly lonely, and i will probably be sad until i get back into school, and a routine of my own. it's just hard because we are always spending short amounts of time together, and always have to say goodbye. it never gets easier.
the good thing about long distance is that i believe it makes our relationship stronger and better. and it's fun to go on trips to see each other and realize how much we miss each other when we get together.
so yesterday i fell back asleep for a bit after dale left, and a big cry fest. it was weird to wake up, and he wasn't there anymore. i walked him out to his car, and watched him drive off.. that was sad.
so for the rest of the day i did a huge clean/reorganization of my room and drawers and closet, vacuumed and everything! then i walked down to blockbuster to return some movies, and came back home to play some guitar hero by myself.
i went to alex's for dinner, and to watch gossip girl, and do some laundry. it was a good time just chatting and hanging out.
today i have had two classes so far, and in half an hour i have psych, and right after nutrition. i am excited for both of them.
then sierra and i are going to alex's for dinner again, and to watch factory girl. i am excited for that too.
anyways, there is my big update!
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