Mar 19, 2008

packing up

Hola. Today my Dad arrived in Victoria! We went for lunch, and he helped me to use some meal points. I asked for my balance, and I am at $761 .. wow, that is a lot to spend in about 5 weeks! I have some special plans though for spending those points. Then, I had two classes, and a I met up with my Dad again around 730. He brought me banana boxes (to pack!) and more computer paper (hip hip!). Then we headed over to Karen and Doug's. They are related to us somehow .. some sort of cousins.. hehe. Anyways. Karen made muffins, and Doug made tea.. and we all had a nice visit around their living room. I miss family time. I was telling Dale how important family is to me. It's amazing how you can go so long without seeing some people, and then when you finally see them.. it feels as if not even a day has passed. I like the comfortable feeling of family. Anyways, then my Dad drove me back, and dropped me I'm sitting here now, waiting for Dale to call.

Tomorrow, I have early class, then a three hour break. I have a midterm at 1.. so in between class.. I'll be last minute studying and memorizing formulas for all sorts of things: volume, surface area, regular area. gosh. Then afterwards, I'm meeting up with my Dad and we're going on a hunt for more printer ink. Then I have one more class, and then I think that we're going for dinner with Carli.

On Friday, we have two places set up to view. One is a downtown condo, and one is a basement suite, sort of near the university. I am excited to do some house hunting again. I am excited about being out of residence, and into my own place. It's weird how you get accustomed to res. Hearing everyone's conversation, realizing that there is NO soap or towels in the bathrooms, learning everyone's silly habits, knowing exactly what everyone is doing, recognizing voices so easily (there are not sound proof walls)... etc. I am not going to miss residence. My Dad asked me today what I would rate my experience on a scale of 1-10. I said 4. It's been average. It has not been life-changing, and not something that brings fabulous memories to mind. I know I haven't made any good friends in my building, but it's hard to relate to high school girls full of their own drama, who still run around screaming and yelling (okay, I admit I do that sometimes too.. but only when I am drunk or terribly excited). It's also hard when all the guys are immature, skinny, and awkward still. They all into excessive binge drinking, and smoking pot at 10 a.m. is considered part of the routine. Oh yes, that's another thing to get used to in res: the constant smell of pot, don't forget garbage littered hallways, and bathrooms sprayed in water, and cluttered with toilet paper. Not this is not all to say that res has been horrible. I haven't minded it. It has given me the chance to be on my own, but not totally alone. I have met some people, and lived the experience. But I think unless you are fresh out of high school, a social butterfly, and willing to binge drink Wednesday through Friday.. then you are maybe not right for residence. Anyways, point said.

Next... I wish I were in Mexico. There is a webcam at the place where my Mom and Brother are staying. I keep it on 24/7.. because somehow just watching live people in Mexico seems to be both familiar and happy. I think I saw my Mom and Brother today. That was also nice. Someone else drew a heart and wrote 'hi', I thought that was also nice too. I pretended it was for me. I hope to go to Mexico either this summer, or next year for sure. I miss it so bad.. and I'm ready to be a beach bum.

Okay, this is enough for tonight. My eyes are sleepy, and my head is tired of studying and thinking of formulas.
I'm off to talk to my love.

love & happiness.

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