Apr 9, 2008

thank youu.

So just a quick shout-out to Trey, who sent me a message about one of my blogs. He was telling me about this book that he reading called "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purposes". Anyways, I wanted to share the part that he copied out for me. I find it extremely inspiring and calming. I now really want to buy the book and read it! Plus, it's one of Oprah's picks!

"...In the West, it is the physical appearance of the body that contributes greatly to the sense of who you think you are: its strength or weakness, its perceived beauty or ugliness relative to others. For many people, their sense of self-worth is intimately bound up with their physical strength, good looks, fitness, and external appearance. Many feel a diminished sense of self-worth because they perceive their body as ugly or imperfect.
In some cases, the mental image or concept of "my body" is a complete distortion of reality. A young woman may think of herself as overweight and therefore starve herself when in fact she is quite thin. She cannot see her body anymore. All she "sees" is the mental concept of her body, which says "I am fat" or "I will become fat." At the root of this condition lies identification with the mind. As people have become more and more mind-identified, which is the intensification of egoic dysfunction, there has also been a dramatic increase in the incidence of anorexia in recent decades...
...Those who are identified with their good looks, physical strength, or abilities experience suffering when those attributes begin to fade and disappear, as of course they will..."

Hopefully you enjoy that as much as I did. If anyone else is reading or has read that book, please let me know!


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