Apr 10, 2008

under that cloud

Today has been a long day. I woke up this morning and had to pack for my trip to Vancouver. Then, I went to grab some breakfast at the caf. I started to study for Astronomy after that, and was frustrated when I couldn't figure out how to use the online study guide. So, I emailed my prof, and he emailed me back saying that even he had trouble with it, and not to worry about it! So I was happy to hear about that. Around 1:30, I went to grab a snack from the Biblio cafe, and clean up my room. I headed out to the bus around 2:45... I took the 26 down the the T&C mall, then I walked over to my next bus stop, and caught the 70 to Swartz Bay... I caught the 5:00 ferry, and then from there I had to catch the PCL (from right off the ferry) to downtown, where my Aunt picked me up. Ugh, lots of travel time, when you don't have a car!

Then, we came back, and my Uncle cooked us a yummy dinner. Ooh, I can't wait for home-cooked meals! Now, I've just been hanging out with my cousin SamSam, and we watched The Office. Oh, I just love that show! hahaa.

Tomorrow, I think I'm going to wake up early and study Astronomy for a bit. Then Sam is gonna take me downtown to Robson and I'm going to do some shopping. We may hit up H&M as well. hip hip.


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