Aug 23, 2008

about a girl

I have been on summer vacation for five days. I am loving it haha. I haven't been up to much this week, but have been busy. On Monday it was extremely hot, so Dale and I went out to the lake. Then, I was back in town for dinner and to visit with company we had. On Tuesday I did a big shop at the Superstore for some staple fall clothes. Then we had a lunch out with our company. After that, I had to get my cavities filled. I was a nervous wreck, but managed to do just fine, and it was not that bad at all! Later that afternoon, I went out to St. Eugene to give a tour to our friends. That evening I hung out with Tash and Dale. On Wednesday... I have no idea what I did. Thursday I visited with Bean in the morning, and then Chels and Tash in the afternoon. Dale and I watched Gladiator that evening, and visited DQ. Yesterday, I spent the day with Tash and Chels. In the evening, we all went out for drinks and appys with our boys, and then to Mistys for dancing. This week was so much fun (as compared to last week), and there was a ton of people there to see.

Today, I am heading to the gym, and later out to the lake for dinner and a sleepover with Dale. Wow, I am headed back to Victoria so so so soon! Dale is leaving on Wednesday, and I'll be there Friday night.


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