Today ... woke up to grey skies and rain. Definitely not riding my bike in that weather to make it to the gym (Maybe later this afternoon with Dale?). So, I've decided to take it easy again, and just (for sure) type up some more captions for the project, and get my sources for the pictures I am 'stealing'. Other than that, I am bumming around.
When my Dad arrives on Thursday night, I think he is going to come to Geography class with Dale and I. It's the geography of Canada, so he thinks he may enjoy it! On Friday morning, we have another meeting with Peter to check out (the Condo that I practically fell in love with) an apartment again. If all goes well ... maybe an offer is in the works? It needs quite a few renos to completely modernize it (from the 1970s), but the lighting and space is so great, that is makes up for it! Then we will be heading out to Nanaimo in the mid/late afternoon for the weekend.
I woke up today thinking that it was Tuesday. I was so disoriented ... I thought I had tutorial tonight, and completely thought it was a week day. I finally realized it was Saturday as I was making breakfast. Jeepers. This upcoming Thursday, we have to present our group project in EDCI372. We have decided to go with stereotypes of Indigenous peoples, and have a bunch of Disney (and other) clips from Pocahontas (sp?) and Peter Pan to help along the discussion. We have a total of seven people in the group, so it is really hard to organize a presentation for that many people! But it's going well. We are meeting on Tuesday to finalize things, and run through the presentation. Hopefully everyone shows up this time!
I need to find some (lucky) bamboo sometime this weekend. I saw some at Fairway Market, but I really don't like that place (it's sort of grimey), even though I got strawbs for $2.98 there last Monday. But, that's the only place I've seen bamboo, but I believe we have a florist shop somewhere around Shelbourne Plaza, so when it's sunny out, I'll venture down there.
I had a dream last night that I had to pay $220 for groceries one week. I was totally upset because I had spent all my money for the month on groceries the past week! Jeeze. The dream was probably just going along with my usual money anxiety and the fact that I need to switch the Shaw bill into my name (so we can get student savings), and that I should have done that days ago.
Now I am just rambling on and on. So I'm going to go get some yogurt.
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