Oct 29, 2009

party favor.

So exciiited for tomorrow :D Pubcrawl tomorrow night! I have class all day tomorrow, heading over to res to see what my parents sent James and I, heading home to clean up a bit and get the goods to pre-drink, and then Katie and Amy are coming over to get readyyyy to go out! Amy and I put together our costumes the other day (well the most we could), and tried them out, and I am so stoked.

Today was a long day. I headed up to the school at 9:30, and worked on a lesson plan for a few hours, then had class for another few hours. I went to the gym for a work out, and then hung out with Dale for a bit and watched the baseball game (Yankees won by the way!). Came home, had dinner, and now am watching my Thursday t.v. shows.

Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween weekend. Don't forget to turn your clocks back on Halloween night!

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