Monday night. I had a great weekend. Started off with Friday afternoon: tea with Chels to catch up. Then john daley come over around 6:00, we went to get appy's to bring to Chels' and had a tea at Starbucks before heading over. Met up with Tash, Chels, Jord, (me, daley), and met Tasha's friend Kayla and her bf! It was fun: we had lots of food, drinks, and (some) games. We wanted to go out, but waited til a bit too late, ended up downtown at 1:00...line-ups a bit long + cover we headed home! Daley and I slept in late on Saturday, had breaky, and headed downtown. We had to drop off his car at the tire shop, and then walked to MEC to get new water bottles! I wanted a headband for working out, too, so we went to lululemon and I picked out a basic black one (which on the tightest setting still is too big for my head, but it'll do!). Then we went to Opus because I needed my #12 paintbrush...but before heading in stopped at Urban Barn to look at a few things that I want to pick up next week after pay day! After downtown, we went back to Dale's for lunch and some homework time. I hit up the gym after watching the football game, and then it was time to get ready for dinns with Dale. We wanted to go to Pagliacci's, but it was a super long wait (as usual!), so we went to the Keg (another bit of a wait) instead. Had a big dinner with steak and caesar salad (yumm), and then watched The Hurt Locker at Dale's. I hadn't heard of it, but it was extremely well made, and I suggest you watch it! We went back to my house to sleep, because I had to work on Sunday. Usually Sunday's go by really slow...but it wasn't bad, and we (and I!) made budget for the I was happy :)
The weekend went by too fast, and today was already backkk to school! It was a long day: History in the morning, and then Art for the afternoon. Art was really fun though because we got to paint/decoupage our clay sculptures we made last week! I ended up with a raindrop and a peace sign (both which got decoupaged lovely colours of blues and pinks) ... I am excited to see them next class all dry, and ready to hang on the wall!
Tomorrow: we have a visit to Braefoot to see the Kindy's in creative dance action! I am exciiited.
Hope you enjoyed your weekends!