The first week went swimmingly. I am so happy about my placement, my host teacher, and my class. I hope that for future practicums, I am welcomed with open arms like this one! It's been fantastic, and the students at KCA are wonderful too. I have two lessons to date. I taught my No, David, sign language one, and a PE one.
The LA one went well! The kids were a bit noisy during it, but I think they were excited to learn something new, and the lesson was super interactive, and perfect for all types of learners. I hope that my other LA lessons are as good as this one! This lesson was on Thursday, and on Friday I assessed the students again before lunch, and they all seemed to remember the signs, I was so impressed!
Yesterday (Friday), I taught a PE lesson just for the grade 1's, and my supervisor (no host teacher this lesson). It went okay, but I felt that the 45 minutes was much too long, and I should have had another game for at the end (reminder: add another something onto my Monday's PE lesson!). The students were testing their luck, and kept asking to grab a drink of water: next time I will make sure that students drink water before the lesson, and then not until the end. Also, I have to make sure that the doors are closed in the gym, because one of the little girls kept running in and out! My supervisor said overall it went well, I just need to work on some details, that I guess I wouldn't have known about until I taught because they are student behaviors.
Anyways, I am loving being back in Cranny for a visit, teaching, and this warm sunshine to boot! Yesterday and Thursday it really started to warm up, and today is supposed to be fantastic as well. I can't wait! I can't believe I've been in town for over a week, time is flying. I feel myself getting attached to my students, and I know for sure it's going to be hard to leave them in two weeks :(
Last night I watched episodes of Modern Family: it is hilarious. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely give it a go! I also went to Hotshots with Steph and caught up a bit. And had a yummy green tea latte :)
Today: gym, relax, possibly outside for a walk if the sunshine stays! Tonight: my mom and I are going for sushi, and then to Mum's the Word with some of her girlfriend. Hope I can keep up with all the mom lingo..
Happy weekends to you all
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