Apr 14, 2010

super heroes.

I am teaching my first lesson tomorrow. I am super stoked, and not so nervous now that I have worked it out with my parents, and tweaked it a bit! It is feeeling pretty organized. I am still nervous though, for things like classroom management, and really hoping the children stay engaged for the entire time!

Friday I am also teaching (PE), and my supervisor will there. I hope that one goes well too, but he seems super friendly and easy going. Friday is also Superhero day, and so you can dress up as any one of your role-models. I decided to dress up as my Dad and wear like a tool belt and safety goggles.

Not feeling so good today. Sore throat, and this afternoon my head was spinning. I came home and had a nap, and took some tylenol...and I feel much better now. I had a light dinner too, cause just in case I am going to puke, I don't want too much to come out! haha. I also don't want to get sick, and have to miss any practicum and miss out on wonderful things!

Can't believe that I've been here for 6 days already! Time is flying.

---Sleep time.

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