Anyways, I am on my weekend now (this week went by sooo incredibly fast!). Today (or yesterday, rather) was a good day. I had a nice long sleep, and was up for 3 hours of class. However, I seemed to make it to class late ... I missed the first bus, and then the next one passed us waiters by (it was full), so I finally got up to campus at 11:30... but didn't make it to my class til about 5 minutes passed that. For some reason I thought that my class was cancelled, or that we just needed to hand in our papers (and then leave) ... cause I saw at least 5 of my classmates walk past me on my way to class. Well, thinking that everyone was just at the front handing in their papers, I walked in the bottom front door (our class is in this huge lecture hall) to find my prof lecturing and everyone staring at me. I felt like a douche, and I got the death look from my prof (he hates late people, especially when they come in the front door) ... so I quickly scurried to my seat (which is basically all the way at the top ... why didn't I just come in the back door?), and was all outta breath trying to get my life together. ha. Anyways, the rest of the day went smoothly, in Native Studies we just went over group stuff (and our entire group was in class today, so that was helpful!). Then, it was home bound for me to make a (very) late lunch. As I was eating lunch I watched the Real World (from last night), then finished my lunch, and seemed to nod off towards the end of the show (I was sitting in bed). I finally gave into my on-off sleep, and cozied down for a nice long nap until about 5:50. I have no idea how long I was napping for? Anyways, then it was up and at 'em again to get ready for geog.
Dale picked me up, and it was so nice to go to our 6:30 class in broad daylight and sunshine! We had a pretty long class which was a pretty big bore... and then Dale and I went to get chili from Tim Ho's. We flipped through channels going back and forth from The Office to Sex and the City to Divine Design. Then we cuddled in bed and discussed some fun stuff, and some serious stuff. We are getting pretty good at the serious/grown-up relationship talks. Then, he dropped me off at home around 1:00, cause I thought I was dead tired, and here I am ... at 3:30 .. wide awake. blah.
Tomorrow ... I plan to ride my bike to the gym, do some cardio and weights, bike home, and shower and stuff. Then, around 2:00, Chel and I are going to climb up Mount Doug. We hope it is going to be beautiful and sunny (as it's been the past 3 days). Neither of us has been up there, and I've been practically dying to get my toosh up there ... so I'm stoked!
Other than that, I have zip weekend plans except for working on my project. I didn't do as well as I'd hoped on the geog midterm, so I'm hoping to step it up a notch, and impress my prof with my craftyness in my scrapbook! Boost my mark, boost my mark!
I hate the new facebook layout. I dunno but B I G jumbo lettering really irritates me, and then way that it's set up is a whole other issue. It's fucking shit (as I told my brother earlier). Facebook was waaay greater as the original. The new layout makes me want to gag and then delete my account. But probably not, it's still too addicting to get rid of. Fack.
---I wanna go to sleep!
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