seventeen something:
"I have the world's greatest friends. Honestly, I know the most amazing people. I like things to be simple, but I also like extravagance. I don't usually get worked up. I love taking pictures to one day to find the perfect one... but for now-I have some pretty amazing ones. I love shopping... but it always seems to make me tired. I hate feeling stuck. I am scared of a lot of things. I like days off. I like downloading a new song and listening to it over and over because it's just that good. I like songs with meaning, that you can relate to. I love colors... right now I am just infatuated with with them, and right now I really like blues and greens and turquoises. I like remixes. I love sleeping. I like when things work themselves out, and when things are always okay in the end. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up... but I'm okay with that. I love being warm. I love laughter... and I laugh a lot because it's the best thing for you. I eat chocolate all the time, but then I crave something like chips. I like seeing other people happy... because it makes me happy. I like having alone time to read and scrapbook, and I like to watch movies by myself sometimes. I don't really like real Chinese food, and I don't really like Spanish food either... too much roast beef haha. I'm on msn a lot because I like to talk. I love hearing stories from other people. I like it when people can make me laugh. I love smiles. I am proud of who I am, and I like being different. I like using 'ebonics' in my typing... because it makes things waaaay more interesting baha. I love getting text messages. I like meeting new people."
(nearly) twenty-one something:
"I have great friends, I really do. I don't have that many good friends, but that ones that stick by my side are my besties. Some of the good friends that I have had, have stepped out of my life, and probably will not be back. I really do like simplicity. I tend to get worked up over small things. Living on my own, away from my family has taught me a lot, but I still freak out and overanalyze little details. I am a worrier. I love taking pictures, but somehow... I have broken a camera, and recently lost a camera. Let's say, I'm just not that great with electronics. I've become a klutz lately. I do love shopping, especially when I actually have money to spend... it still makes me tired. I hate feeling stuck: it's the worst. I am scared of a lot of things, but new things now. I love days off. I like downloading new music, but lately I haven't been able to attach the same meaning that I used to find in songs. I like colors. But, I also like shades. I like white, black, and shades of grey. I don't mind a remixed song or too. I love sleeping; I love sleeping in; I love naps. I like when things work themselves out, but often times they do not. I like when things are okay in the end, and that there was a reason for something happening. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up: even though I am following the path of a teacher, I am still not sure if it is the right choice. I will decide later. I like being warm: I especially like the summer sun. I love laughter, and I love anyone that can make me laugh so hard I want to pee my pants. I love chocolate, I love junk food. Too bad junk food wasn't good for you. I like Chinese food, I like Greek food, I like Japanese food, my taste buds have grown up a little bit. I never go on msn; I found it annoying that people could talk to me whenever, and start conversations ... even when we had nothing to talk about. I sometimes go on facebook chat, but hardly ever. I still love hearing stories, especially funny ones. I like smiles. I am proud of who I am; I like being half-Chinese. I never use ebonics in my typing, but I tend to extend words with extraaaa letterrrrs, and keep most of my casual typing in lower-case lettering. I like getting text messages from my boyfriend. I like love notes."