Sep 29, 2009
just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.
We had a reminder today of one of my all-time favorite movies: Finding Nemo! We had to talk in "whale" in language arts while we were practicing different oral work. This week is another busy one. Well, not too busy..but just playing a lot of catch-up! Today I have a big list of readings I must get done, and little tidbits to remember to finish. Other than school...Dale has returned with his HD eyes! My maj is coming down to Victoria next week! A week tomorrow! And she'll be here for Thanksgiving weekend. Super excited to see her :) ho hum, I really do not have anything to talk about really except school. Wow, I have become one of those people... Oh! Well, I have been thinking of Halloween. I have my idea for the actual night of Halloween, but on Friday, the 30th, Amy, Tiff, and I are trying to find something that comes in 3 to dress up as. And...I am already looking forward to Christmas festivities. Lots of party planning and celebrating to do...especially since I've got a month off school!
Anyways, this is boring. But just a little update for all of you that read.
Sep 27, 2009
charmed life.
Weekends go so quickly! Gah! I feel as if it just started! I've barely had any time to relax! Friday was an evening of homework, then Chels and I cooked up some stirfry, and started to watch a movie, but both of us were so drained from our early mornings, we called it quits. Yesterday, Amy and I worked on a couple of our homework assignments, but then I spent another good chunk of time getting them on the computer, and looking nice and sharp! Last night, Chels and I finished the movie, and drank some nice hot chai tea. Today, I worked the Sunday shift, and then met up with my Carli, Dea, Jacey, and James. We all went out for supper at The Sauce. It was delish! Then, James and I bussed home, and now I'm at the condo sending stuff off to my Dad to proof read, and then I'm going to watch Brothers&Sisters! I completed my first ever lesson plan this weekend. I am super excited and pretty proud of myself! :D
Hope you had good weekends.
Sep 25, 2009
september sunshine.
This week has been a busy week. TGIF.
Monday: biked to the gym (30 minutes), super sculpt, biked home (30 minutes). Had class all afternoon.
Tuesday: class 8:30-2:00. Work 2:30-6:30.
Wednesday: Deaf Awareness Workshop 9:00-11:00. Attempts to work on computer project.
Thursday: Bussed downtown at 11:30 to do some errands, met up with Amy, bussed to Sydney, Ocean Discovery Centre, stopped into a local kids book store, bussed back downtown, and then up to Uni (very bus-sick). Attended EDSA meeting, got free pizza. Sign Language lesson
Friday: class 8:30-2:00, to the bookstore to look at books.
And not to mention the large amounts of reading, blogging, forum-ing, emailing, writing, etc. going on. This week was a busy one. As you can see, I only made it to the gym once this week. Hoping to go tomorrow. This afternoon I have just been doing homework, and cleaning my condo. Tomorrow, after the gym, I've got to work on my letter of introduction, and my first ever LESSON PLAN!!! :D excitement.
Hope you all had a wonderfully busy week like me.

Sep 23, 2009
frills and gimmicks.

Tonight, Chels and I are having sushi and some girl time. I am hoping to go for a bike ride in a bit, but we'll see how the homework goes!!
Other than that, things are good. Dale is still away. He finished his 3rd day of his surgery (eye procedure today), and as he described it. "It was like I was watching basic cable before, and now I am watching HD tv." So, I am super excited for him and his newfound vision.
I heard back from BChydro, and then have put my equal payments down to $47 dollars, from $60. So not a huge amount! But at least it's in the forties now. They told me that they re-adjust the payments every 105 days or so. So far, I have only been using about $24 in energy, sooo we'll see how that goes. I am currently not using wireless internet. I had quite the time on the phone during the weekend with the linksys guy. He didn't help whatsoever, and actually made it so that my wireless internet didn't work at all. It was working before (cutting out quite a bit), but now it's dunnzo. So I've either got to wait for Dale to bring me his extra router from home, or else pay $9.99 for a replacement thing, and then I'll get a new one. Also, bought an ankle weight on the weekend. I had to buy two, and they go up to 10 pounds per each ankle. But, they were $35 for the set, and it turns out they don't even fit my ankle! They won't go tight enough. So, I've got to return those!
Anyways, I'm off to start reading! (Once, I eat something!)
Enjoy the September heat!
Sep 18, 2009
hoola hoops & cool whip
Friday evening has arrived again! I love the weekends. Today I had a long, busy day! I had all my classes, but no breaks in between because we were running around campus, and brainstorming group ideas. After all the classes, my partner and I had to do our audio blog for our bi-weekly reflection for P.E. I came home and got straight to homework on my P.E. written blog, and responding to the forum. I'm also doing laundry. Tonight, my boo is picking me up after tutor, and we're going out for supps and a movie later. I work tomorrow for a few hours, and all of Sunday afternoon. So, tomorrow after work, I've got to maximize my time to do readings for school and hit up the gym! Hope you are getting some sunshine in your area.

Sep 17, 2009
vanilla twilight
Ya, ya. So my brother posted songs for his blog today. But, I just have to say Owl City is my new favorite band. I've dl-ed Hot Air Balloon and Fireflies, and both are s'wonderful (and I've got about 15 more dl-ing on the way)! Hope you are all marvelous out there. It's 11:11, hope you made a wish. Anyways, I am off to bed. The soup was delish, and the Office was okay (just not that funny for a season opener!). I've got an early morning tomorrow, and I hope I remember to pack some snacks. Oh! Tomorrow evening, Dale and I are going to try out spinning class at the gym. My legs are finally starting to feeling a little less jell-o-ish from Monday. I went to the gym yesterday and today. I need to get an ankle weight.


Have a good night!
Sep 16, 2009
curriculum integration days and criminal record check.
I am just sitting here, at Dale's watching Jay Leno ... my belly is full of squash soup (nope, not my own, but a store-bought one ... not as good as mine!) and sour dough bread. I had the day off from classes, but was up early to hit up the gym (my favorite class! so glad to be back at my old gym!). Came back to Dale's for lunch. I worked on my first ePortfolio assignment ("The Crayon Box That Talked"), and then both Dale and I fell asleep for a couple hours ... whoops. Up again, I drove myself back to my condo to shower and grab the books I need to read. Yes(!), I drove Dale's car! hahaa, what a privilege! Then, I came back, Dale jetted off to his tutor, and I did my readings for Seminar.
Back to school tomorrow, just one class (but, 3 hours!). We have to work on our ePortfolio, and have a discussion on our readings.
Anyways, nothing too exciting going on. I am really enjoying the program still! We had fun in PE yesterday: running and playing tag games. And in Drama, we played a version of "People Bingo". So yes, things are going well :)
Sep 13, 2009
I completely forgot to blog about my first full day at school: I had Language Arts, PE, and Drama. I really like all my teachers so far, and we've still got another class to go to on Monday: computer and communications. However, I am already overwhelmed and stressed with the amount of work/readings/presentations/projects that were thrown at us on Friday! bah! I've got to get a huge calendar to I can see all the due dates at once. But, I think the program is going to be fun, and there's a lot of great people in our cohort. More updates tomorrow.
Sundays. I've had a good weekend! Friday: I had school all day, and then came home to veg for a bit. I decided to ride my bike to Dale's, and head back to my old gym to ask a few questions about re-joining. It took me about 25 minutes to ride there, and it got my heart racing! I liked it! I hung out with Dale for a bit after, and then rode home, and enjoyed the downhill ride at the end! Exhilarating! Anyways, then I had a late dinner of a protein scramble, and a bagel, and then got ready for the evening! Chels and I got our drink on, and then Dale joined us, and then we headed down to the Social Club to meet up with Jord, Alli, Carli, and Amy. The night was loads of fun: I had so much fun dancing with Dale ... hahah we had a dance off. Anyways, Saturday, Dale and I slept in super late: 12:30! Gah! So I had a lazy afternoon of doing school readings. Last night, James had a few of his friends over, and Carli and Alli joined, and we made a big supper for the 7 of us! The 4 youngsters headed up to res around 1030, and then us older gals hung out for a bit more. I slept at Dale's last night because we were planning to do the Terry Fox run. So up early this morning, we headed downtown to the route, and found NOTHING. Then, I suggested we drive out to Sydney, because another address had pointed us that way too ... well again, we found NOTHING. So up early, and driving all over -- for nothing! Sorry, Terry! I was (and still am) rather disappointed. Well, later, after I finish up some homework, I am going to go bike riding to Dale's again--- and I'll think about Terry!
Enjoy your Sunday (fun-day)
Sep 10, 2009
sex and the city morning dose.
I am loving the COSMOTV channel! Sex and the City runs every morning, followed by the Gilmore Girls. It's great. Anyways, up early today to scarf down some raisin bran, and then go out for a quick run. Then I've got Seminar this afternoon for 3 hours! jeeeze. I hope the sun comes back out to play. The last two Septembers in Vic have been wonderfully warm and bright, but maybe since we had such a great summer, September might be a bit of a disappointment? Anyways, I've posted some of my pictures of the condo on my facebook, so you all can check them out after much anticipation! haha.
Sep 9, 2009
love your boyfriend (blazer).
Hello, Wednesday! The freebie day! Well,the day for homework/projects/workshops/e-portfolio/etc. Anyways, since I've had no classes, I've got a day to get some things done. I have some errands, want to go running, and I want to clean the condo up. Anyways, last night I slept over at Dale's again, and spent the evening in bed watching the premieres of 90210 and Melrose Place. 90210 was good, but Melrose Place seems like a bit of a dud ... maybe it'll get better. Dale had a friend over, so I was left in peace and quiet for those two precious hours. This morn, Dale had early classes, so I got a ride up to the school with him, and then bussed home. The space bar on my computer does not seem to be working too well. arg. So now, I am just sitting watching the Gilmore Girls and eating some cereal.
Enjoy your days, cats.
Sep 8, 2009
let it begin.
I had orientation today for the BED program. We had to be up on campus at 10:00 am, so I met Amy and Tiffany up out front at the Maclaurin building. We went inside for a brief welcome, and then got split into groups for a scavenger hunt. My team was first, and we won t-shirts and mugs! Afterwards, we had 2 hours to burn, so I went to get my PE course pack, and then us three went over to the Library for the bbq. James came over for a quick hello, but then we had to go back for more little intros. We learned how to use the E-portfolio online, got a question period, and learned more about practicums and the alternative choice we have too. We finished up around 3:30, and then I headed back to Dale's. Tonight the premiere of Melrose Place and 90210 are on! eeeeeeps! No school tomorrow, so I've got some errands to run, and lunch with Sierra.
Sep 7, 2009
summer's end.
Wow, where to begin? I haven't blogged in a bit! This last weekend of summer has been a whirlwind! Dale arrived back to Victoria last Sunday night. It's so nice to have him back! Anyways, we headed down to Seattle on Tuesday morning (it just worked out nicely, I had about 4.5 days off in a row!). We took the clipper (and got a good package deal for hotels, too), and arrived in Seattle around 2:30. Spent the afternoon poking around, and then getting ready for an early dinner. We headed across the street from our hotel (the Paramount) and when to Ruth's Chris for dinns. It's always good there: the steak is wonderful (and the orange mojitos: to die for!), then off to the Safeco Stadium for the Mariners vs. Angels ball game. It was cool to be in a big stadium again (I haven't been to a game since New York! gasp!). On Wednesday, Dale and I strolled down to the Pike Place Market in search for breakfast; we stumbled across a cute cafe which had a huge menu of breakfasts and fresh squeezed fruit juices! It was delish. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon/evening shopping downtown Seattle. Nordstrom and h&m were big hits in our books. We had a scrumptious feast at an Italian restaurant called Tulio. I had the best (fresh!) tomato soup ever and smoked salmon ravioli. Dale's dish was nummers, too. Thursday: we had another big breaky to tide us over, and did a bit more shopping at UO and Nike Town, and basically that's it! We had to head back to the Clipper! When we arrived home in Victoria, we went over to my condo to see my family, and Carli and Jacey were there! So we had appys and drinks, and loads of laughs. My parents left the next morning after we got James into res, and got text books. I was sad to see them go! It was so nice having them around (the place seems empty without them!). So, I've just spent my weekend working, hanging out, and seeing my favorites! Tomorrow is a full day orientation up at the school! ah! I can't believe it's back to school time already. These past four and a half months have just flown by. I'm really going to miss the hot summer days. I have a feeling this is going to be a good year though! It's off to a good start :) good luck to all of you heading back to school tomorrow!
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