Feb 25, 2010
Feb 22, 2010
Feb 21, 2010
Feb 20, 2010
it's been awhile...
I haven't blogged all reading break! But here's a little breakdown of the last week and a bit:
Friday: spent the evening with Carli and James and caught up while drinking a bit of wine
Saturday: worked on some homework for psych, and went to see Valentine's day. It was so cute and hilarious!
Sunday: I didn't end up working, so I went shopping instead and picked up a new workout top, some new wine glasses, and MAC makeup. Had turkey tacos for dinns, and rented Love Happens. It was a nice Valentine's Day considering I spent it alone!
Monday: Gym, homework, and then had the girlies over for drinks/cake/appy's before heading out for 90's night! It was fun!
Tuesday: My birthday...woke up early to catch the 11 a.m. ferry! Met my brother and Trey downtown, and I did some shopping. Then we headed up to metrotown to do some more shopping. Left around dinner time and met all my cousins and aunt on the skytrain. Got back to my gramma's and iced the cake, then headed out for a huge greek feast (soooo good!), and then back to watch the Bachelor and eat big slices of birthday cake.
Wednesday: ventured downtown again with my brother to do some more shopping, and check out Robson Square. In the evening we visited Alli and work, and then the rest of us cousins went bowling! So fun!
Thursday: up early to catch the 9 a.m. ferry. Had all the intentions of spending the day doing homework, but instead was super lazy! Got to have a visit with the girls though, and spent my evening watching Grey's and Private Practice
Friday: gym in the morning, homework, then worked 4-8. I was a bum in the evening: cooked up some stirfry, and watching Taking the Stage
Saturday (Today): got up early to start studying for History, went to the gym, cleaned the condo, and worked a bit on my paper. Chels is coming over in a bit for sushi and a visit. delish!
Tomorrow: Up early to do homework, then study sesh with the girls at 11:30. Picking up my boy at 3:24 from le airport (so excited to see him, and have him back on the island!). In the evening, more homework, and studying!
Ah. There. Quick overview. All in all, I've had a great break (so relaxing), but it went by way too fast!
Feb 13, 2010
Feb 12, 2010
Long week is over! Stress is over! This stressful week has led me to eat way too many comfort foods, and I find myself feeling sluggish, thought I've been keeping up with my gym routine of 4 times a week. I am just going to kick myself in the butt, and work out hard to get rid of that nasty stress. I have done NO homework today, however, I may pull out the recorder and practice some of the new songs we got today. I am enjoying the recorder, but our prof is pretty hard on us, so I feel lots of pressure. Today was a good school day: we had a guest panel today in psych which was super interesting and insightful for how to better ourselves as teachers. Had lesson #2 for creative dance dance. All I'll say it that it was absolute chaos. But, apparently the kids were having their Valentine's Day and Chinese New Years celebrations ... plus it was a Friday which could have led to the craziness in gym! After school, I came to Dale's to an empty condo (I'm staying here for some of the break while he is away so that I can gym it, and I practically live here as it is!), and finished watching my Thursday night shows. Hit up the gym for a great workout afterwards, and then watched "Everybody's Fine" (tear jerker!) and ate eggs and asparagus for supps. Tomorrow is sleep in day, gymming it, and perhaps starting some homework. However, I really wanna hit up downtown and Mayfair, and I've got a movie date with the Broski tomorrow too. So, homework may wait til Vday or Monday! Slackkkkker.
Happy Reading Break! Hope you are enjoying the opening ceremonies.
Feb 11, 2010

Tomorrow, lesson #2 is up. I had a bad week, being all stressed, nervous, and anxious for the lesson. But we taught #1 yesterday, and it went better than I expected. I was pleased! So, tomorrow I am less anxious. We also are doing interview conversations tomorrow in psych, so I've really just got music class to end the week :)
ps. saw Dear John last night. It was amazing. And I was pleasantly pleased with the ending! I want to see it again!
Sleep Tight.
Feb 9, 2010
don't settle (advice assignment)
in the morning, buy me eggs.
Loving two songs at the moment:
boys, boys, boys - lady gaga (featured on my brother's hilarious coast video #2)
blah, blah, blah - ke$ha ft. 3OH!3
Anyways, so it's Tuesday, February 9th. I've had a bit of a rough few days, haven't been sleeping all that well. I am pretty stressed out about this PE creative dance unit. Today we peer taught to our class, but it didn't seem like our prof had a lot of positive feedback. I don't think he realized that we were super rushing the dance in order to get through it all in 15 minutes. But, the class seemed to have some really nice comments for us :) Also, found out today that I didn't have a complete, detailed lesson plan for tomorrow, so I spent a couple hours on that this afternoon. Tomorrow morning is our first lesson, and I really hope all goes smoothly. It'll be over by 11:15 a.m., so then I'll have the entire day for other homeworking things. Jess and I are finally going to get our butts to Dear John tomorrow night! SO stoked. ah ah ah. Channing <3>
Dale and I are celebrating our Valentine's day on Thursday night...so Thursday is going to be all prep for that. I am exciiited. Can't wait for reading break, and birthday time, and Van City time, family time, and friend time, and money making time (fingers crossed I get hours!).
More updates to come.
Feb 4, 2010
Got to, have to, must seeeee this! I read the book in the summer, so I am realllly hoping that the movie lives up to the book. But with actors like Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried, how couldn't it be great?
Feb 3, 2010
February is (obviously) one of the best months: reading break, valentine's day (fav holiday by far), and my birthday! I am turning the ripe old age of 22 this year. wow.
I am soooo looking forward to reading break. I've been a bit stressed as of late, with this new semester...it's so much more work than last (or I wouldn't say work...but maybe the reading load is much heavier?). I have had some trouble adjusting, and I'm frustrated with some of my assignments/profs. But, it'll soon be over, and then onto practicum! I am pretty sure I have a K/1 class, but I am waiting to hear the fine print details. So, more news to come!
Teaching the grade 2's next weeeeek. I am excited/nervous to start on that. I think once we do the first lesson, it'll be okay, but there is just so much more paperwork involved!
I am fine tuning my plans for reading break. I have a lot of open availability of when I can work, but I've asked for some time off my birthday to go to Vancouver. Dale leaves next Friday, so we're going to be celebrating V-day early! And then I'm not sure when we'll be celebrating my biirthday together. I am really excited to hang out with my cousins, drink, eat, and be merry (and shop!!).
I had a productive day today: homework in the morning, gym, and more homework after that. I am deciding whether or not I want to do a bit more tonight, or leave it for tomorrow. I have all day tomorrow, as well as Saturday to get things done! :)
Feb 2, 2010
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