My holiday home has been fabulous! I've had lots of family time, and lots of friend time! I have actually gotten to see quite a few people, so that's made me happy! I had a lovely Christmas, and got spoiled as usual. I've had lots of relaxation time, been working out a bit (thanks to Jillian Michaels), and sleeping in!
Had a bit of a dilemma today: woke up to find my phone dying and it hadn't charged all charger looks like it had been chewed on, and the wires were all sticking out! Soooo I was phone-less for most of the day, ended up buying a new charger ($50.00 later), and thinking I'd return it when my cousin Sam sent me his old charger. Luckily, Nicole has an extra one too, and has so nicely offered to give it to me! So, I just have to return the one I got today, and poof! Problem solved. haha, a lot of people have had the Keybo!
James and I decided that we would spend our 5 hour layover on Monday downtown shopping! When we get off the plane, we are going to hop on the skytrain and go to h&m and Urban outfitters for a bit! We won't have a lot of time...well, don't wanna miss the flight...but it'll be fun and make time fly!
Okay, I'm going to read for a bit. I got "Mercy" by Jodi Picoult for Christmas: wooooo!
"Know your limit, and play within it" tonight!