Aug 31, 2009
hester creek
Sitting here, procrastinating on starting the dreaded clean of my closets. I need to hang, fold, and organize. bah. Anyways, I've been running errands around for most of the afternoon with Dale. It's so nice to have him back! Last night, I went over to his place to meet him when he got into town, and then we went to see the 3-D Final Destination movie (two thumbs down). We woke up around 9, and laid in bed for a bit, and then got ready. We went up to UVIC, to get our student ID's validated, and then to the computer store to check out new software (I want, I want, I want!), and then to see a few advisors. After that, downtown to have a bite to eat, and then to the bank to get our USD, and then we checked out Sports Check for free weights. And here I am now, at home! I've got to do the closet thing, pack for Seattle, and then dinner tonight at my place with my family and Dale.
Ah! Last day of August!
Aug 30, 2009
today's the day!
Dale is coming back to Victoria tonight! I work all day, so that'll help the time go by faster! I'm off at 6:20, and then I'll come home and shower and get ready, and then head over to Dale's place to meet him. looks like I've got 4 full days off, plus tonight, plus nearly all of Friday (not working til Friday night). Wahoo!
Last night I came home from work, and we had company over for spaghetti and wine. Yum! Watched the last half of 17 Again, and then read for awhile before bedtime. I am reading Dragonfly Lane, and it took a bit for me to get into too, but it's pretty good now (I am nearly done it)! It's much more of a light read as to compared to the books I've been reading lately (The Lovely Bones, Perfect Match, the Pact). So it's a nice change.
Got the IKEA 2010 catalogue, so I've been flipping through it for some ideas of things I still need/want for the condo. I need a few more light fixtures, and something to put on the living room wall!
Anyways, I better get ready!
Enjoy your days
Aug 29, 2009
Aug 28, 2009
Turns out, scarfing down oatmeal isn't such a good idea. Too hot for the throat! Anyways, work was good today. Finally made my budget after a few days of not. We are building a really good team in our store, and I am excited for the upcoming times spent at work. After I got off work, my maj picked me up, and we were both starving so we got Baan Thai for dinner, and a couple of movies to go with it. We watched 17 Again, first...and Ah! It was funny, and I was just drooling over Zac Efron the entire time. There was a scene in the movie where Mark (Zac) gets outta the car with a white shirt, leather jacket, and aviators on ... and I am trying to decide if this scene is better than the one were Edward gets outta the car with HIS leather jacket, and HIS shades, and Bella. Tough choice. We also rented Sunshine Cleaning, which also looks really good (with a good cast!)
I work tomorrow at 3:00, and Dianna and Robyn are going to be visiting from the mainland. My Dad is up island with my uncle fishing, for the weekend!

Dale and I finally booked our Seattle trip! We are leaving Tuesday on the 11:30 Clipper, arriving in Seattle around 2:15, and then we'll get to stay until 3:15 on Thursday. We're really only going to be in Seattle for about 48 hours, but we're excited! Tuesday night, we're also going to a baseball game, and Wednesday will be shopping/sightseeing! Eeeps.
Anyways, I got called in to work a few hours early today, so I'm up and at 'em, scarfing down some oatmeal, and I've got to be out the door in about 12 minutes!
Enjoy the day!
Aug 27, 2009
pink, and black, and blue.
Tonight I work at 5 til 9:15. I am sitting watching Gilmore Girls on cosmotv, and my maj is making me some lunch/dinner before I head out to work. I am really hoping to get the schedule for next week tonight, because Dale and I have got to book out trip!! We are waiting on the schedule to see if we need to take the regular ferry/drive to Seattle, or else take the Clipper. Eeeps! It's just days away!
I can't take care of plants. I killed my mint bush. I only got to use the mint once, when my maj put some in the rice for our Greek feast. Now it's dead, but I've watered it so maybe it'll grow back(?).
Anyways, my parents are back now, and we may be having some company this weekend! And then, Dale is going to be arriving back in Victoria on Sunday night, I think.
Well, the sun is shining, so enjoy the last days of August.
Aug 25, 2009
wine & dine.
Back from a wonderful extra-long weekend in the Okanagan. I had the most amazing time! My family and I woke up super early on Friday morning (5:20 a.m. to be exact) to get ready, and drive out to Sydney to catch the 7:00 o'clock ferry. I fell asleep somewhere in between here and there (the ferry). I woke up in the smelly town of Chilliwack, and we stopped for breaky and a tea at Starbucks. I started my book, Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult (which by the way, I finished yesterday, and it was a great read), and we arrived in Osoyoos around 3:00 in the afternoon. We went to the condo to shower and have a little drink, and then headed to my aunt's for the Hawaiian BBQ. It was really fun: we ate loads, drank palm bays, and danced to the Spice Girls. The night started early, and ended early. So, Saturday ... up early to attend the Scavenger Hunt that my cousins organized for 10:00. It was really fun, and my team (my dad, Cindy, and Dea) ended up collecting the most things/getting to the most destinations, and so we won round 1. We all met up at Hayne's Point for a picnic lunch by the water. After some yummies, we headed back to the condo to change into our bathing suits and then back to the pool for a little sun time. The five cousins headed to the Sailing Club around 5:00 to set up for my aunt's retirement dinner. The table settings were super cute, drinks were delish (I was most pleased with the maraschino cherries), and the food was scrumptious. We had some trivia later, and our team won round 2! Winner, winner, chicken dinner! After clean-up, Alli, Dea, and I went back to the condo to drink and then head out to the Sage for dancing and more drinking. Carli and Jacey met us there, and it was so much funnnn! Completed the night with half a hot dog, and a quick taxi ride home. Sunday was more of a lazy day, and we spent most of the afternoon doing a little wine tour around Osoyoos and Oliver... the wineries were absolutely gorgeous! Sunday night was spent back at the condo with everyone, chowing down on pizza and left over cake. Yesterday (Monday), up early to pack up, and say goodbyes to my faaamily. My family and I headed out to Kelowna to have lunch and shop a bit, and then James and I were jet set home to Victoria.
Now today, it's back to work for (at least) 5 days in a row. Back to school in two weeks! ah!
Aug 19, 2009
2nd blog-iversary (to me!)
I've been blogging for 2 years, and 5 days to date.
where it all started!
Aug 18, 2009
"my name was salmon, like the fish."
Just got back from a run with my maj: it's hot out already! I am going to hit up the beach fairly soon ... just for a couple hours before I have to work at 4:00. I have started to read The Lovely Bones, and it's already got me hooked. A group of us went to see The Time Traveler's Wife the other night. It was amazing (but still...the book was much better). 3 more days (short shifts, too!) of work before we're headed off to the Okanagan! Hip Hip! Dale and I are planning a mini-vacation down to Seattle the first week of September. I've got to get a few days off, and then we're set to go! We want to see a baseball game, and do some shopping. I feel like I've haven't seen that boy in forever! It's been nearly a month, I guess. Ho hum, I'm going to take some pictures soon of the condo (I promise!!). Yesterday I got the new duvet cover on my bed, and the other night we got a few more things set up. I gave Dale a quick virtual tour on ichat, too! haha.
Okay, I'm going to read a bit (and cool down), and then ride my bike to the beach!
enjoy the sunnnshine!
Aug 16, 2009
Aug 14, 2009
the happily ever after.

Aug 13, 2009
at last.
I've made it through my work week, except for one exception of my small shift tomorrow night. I have most of tomorrow off and I hope to get a run out of it, and the fam and I are heading to Langford to do some shopping. I am really happy about how the bathroom has turned out. It's looking pretty sharp! Anyways, work was long today, and it was raining, and freezing in the store. bah. I bought a couple things for some retail therapy (and some I have hardly bought ANYTHING this summer). I got off around five, and then came home for dinns. The family and I jetted off back downtown to catch the early show of Julie&Julie. It was fabulous!
I've got Saturday off, and the parents are heading up island to visit some relatives. I am hoping to have some catch-up time with my best, and some unpacking/organizing (yes, still more of it). And then it's back to work for me Sunday through Thursday, and then VACATION TIME to Osoyoos (hot weather hot weather!).
sleep well, cats.
Aug 12, 2009
This week has been long, I keep feeling like I'm one day ahead of myself (and my work schedule). I am working six days in a row, and most of the days are quite long days! And we've been busy at the store: moving things around, and marking things down! However, it makes the shifts go by faster. Tomorrow I am opening and I work until 5. And then for Friday, I don't work til 5. So I get sort of a day off ... 24 hours ... Anyways, to say the least, I am exhausted. I've loved having my parents here! The condo is falling into place, and I am getting lots of yummy home cooked meals (and lunches for work). I am terribly excited to have 4 days off and head to the Okanagan for some family time! I will post some pictures soon of the place...within the next few weeks when more stuff has been done. Anyways, now I am just sitting with a Earl Grey tea Misto from Starbucks, and going to watch the Real World at 10. Then off to bed....I've started into Breaking Dawn and it's so intense so far! Completely different than the other 3 books, but good! I don't know what I'll do when I'm done the series!
Aug 10, 2009
summer skin
Aug 9, 2009
the lovely bones.
Full house tonight (and for the rest of the summer, too!). My family (well parents) have moved in for the time being as we finish up the condo, and decorative details (I have a feeeling that will be a work in progress though). James and I went over to the mainland Friday night, and met our parents there, and then slept over at the Sawyers. Saturday, we hit up the new h&m in Whiterock, and then went into Vancouver and went through IKEA. We went over to my aunt's for dinner (which my grandpa made) and chat and dessert. Then, we left and caught the 9 o'clock ferry back to the island. I worked all day today...but luckily it went by fairly quickly. I am working through til Friday night. Tomorrow, I don't work til 4, and we are going to head out to Langford to scope out the stores out there (especially the Superstore for essentials). I am reading Eclipse, and it's getting really good. My maj picked up the 4th one (Breaking Dawn) for me, and I just don't want them all to end! Anyways, I'm off to eat some watermelon. Oh! And I was going to say I want to see the movie The Lovely Bones (another book I've got to read), and Brothers. Check out the trailers on
Sleep tight, loves,
Aug 7, 2009
flying so high.
Wow, August 7th already? This month is going to fly by (as I had predicted). I've got 3 work days under my belt, and one more to go tomorrow before having a day off to take off the mainland. James and I are actually going to get an earlier ferry than expected, and we'll arrive over in Vancouver around 9:00. I've got to get up early to get ready for work, plus pack, and clean the bathroom. Ah! Much to do before catching my bus at 9:15. I am going to be a tired girl. I finished off the 7th (and final) season of the Gilmore Girls tonight. Bittersweet! But I think I am going to watch the 5th season again -- the 5th-7th are my favs. I am just waiting for Dale to call me, and I am listening to songs from grade 11/12 era. So, I'll end this dull post now. sleep well, cats.
Aug 5, 2009
let that be enough.
I am sitting watching Obsessed with my bro-ha. It's pretty good so far, but kinda weird (lame haha). Anyways, I worked all afternoon today, and then I'm back at it tomorrow at 945 for the entire day (and same goes for Friday!). Today was pretty good at work, but sort of slow and boring. I came home for dinner and made a yummy chicken salad and corn on the cob.
Tash and Tyler arrived on Sunday night, and Monday was my day off, so all five of us went out to the Sooke Potholes in the afternoon to enjoy the midday sun. It's pretty spectacular out there, and I hope to get out there again before summer ends. It's a bit of a drive, and it was super busy cause we went on the holiday, but I mean the area is huge to choose a spot to lay in! Anyways, then we drove back into town and went to the 5th Street Bar & Grill for dinner, and I ate some delicious salad with chicken kabobs with a spicy peanut sauce. My uncle and cousin were in town yesterday, so after I got off work we went to get sushi, and then walked around downtown at the inner harbor and stuff. Then I went back home and grabbed some stuff and then got picked up from Tash and Tyler. We headed back to to Chels and Jord's and then made a delicious dinner and paralyzers.
Anyways, im just in the middle of a movie! enjoy the evening, cats.
love to you all.
Aug 3, 2009
the pop tarts are pop tart-ing.
Just finished off some lunch, and waiting to hear from my besties and we are going out to Sooke Potholes today! I am really excited...I was looking at some pics of the little pools, and it looks pretty cool :)
So, I finished off 4 days off work, have today off, and then back at it tomorrow! I have lots of opening shifts this week...I like opening! After 4 work days, James and I are off to Vancouver. Feels like I haven't been there in ages. I am excited to see my maj and faj and do some shopping for the condo!
Anyways, my skin has been missing the sun these past four days, so I am excited to get my glow on again. Dale told me I am looking a little exotic these days (WHOA!) haha.
Okay, off I go to do some dishes.
Aug 2, 2009
never far away
Well, you all know I am obsessed(!) with this book, and the movie looks amazing. Check out the trailer (thank god for brothers and their computer knowledge...I finally know how to post a youtube link haha), and read the book before the 14th (because the book is always better), then go see it! Enjoy.
Aug 1, 2009
she said it.
"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
-Audrey Hepburn
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