Jul 30, 2008

heroes of the sidewalk

Springy Point was wonderful this year! I missed out on last year .. but this year I went for about 4 full days. It was so much fun. Dale and I headed out around 4 on Thursday afternoon. We had the longest wait everrrr at the border.. and ended up being there for an hour. We made it just in time for happy hour and dinner. Most of our days consisted of beaching it, morning walk, or afternoon bike ride and swimming. On Saturday Dale, James, and I went into Spokane to shop a bit. We came back just in time for a bike ride and dip before Dale had to leave. However, just as Dale was about to leave some people told us about a fire on the bridge to get to Sanpoint and then home. Dale went to check it out, and see how long the wait was.. so we all said our goodbyes and took group pictures. After Dale left I started slurping back the margaritas cause I was sad that he had to leave...then I got a text saying he was coming back for the rest of the evening and the night! The line was too long to wait, and so he decided to leave early the next morning. So Sunday, Dale left and the Taylor's and Knipe's went into Sandpoint for a few hours to look at the shops. Then, back home to swim and tan. The rest of the time there was just beach time. We left yesterday morning... and I wished we could have stayed for another week!

As soon as we were home, I had to start packing things to put into the Uhaul for Mark to take to Victoria today. After that, Dale and I finally got to see Batman! I was so so so excited to finally see it. It was a really good show.

Today I just worked until two.. and later I'm off to the gym.. then drinks and a movie with Dale.

Tomorrow I work all day. BOO. But, only about two more weeks of work.. and then some more vacation time! yeeow.


Jul 21, 2008


It's been awhile since I have written! Since being back from Calgary I've just been hanging out, working, and planning things for the move back to Victoria. The other night I went out for drinks with my besties .. it was really fun; we just drank and talked and laughed. I didn't do much on the weekend because of work. But yesterday (Sunday), I only had to work until two. So Dale and I went out to the lake for some good tanning time. We even went swimming! It was a good afternoon. Dale and I tried to go see Batman for the second time last night, but again, it was sold out. Maybe we will try again tomorrow?

I have the day off tomorrow, and I have plans to meet up with a few friends for visits and phone chats. I am quite excited.

Thursday afternoon...I work until two again and then Dale and I are going to head out to Sandpoint! I have been waiting for this camping trip for months, so I hope it's good. My family left today... they are in Sandpoint but at a different campground until Thursday when they will go to Springy Point. I think Dale is staying until Sunday because he is going on a fishing trip on Monday. I think I'll be staying until Tuesday and then coming back with my family.

This summer is flying by, especially this month. I can't believe it. It's hard to think that I'll be back in Victoria in a month and a bits time. Wow.


Jul 15, 2008

lover's lullaby

I love July. I really really do! I just got back from three days in Calgary with my boy. We left really early Friday morning to hit the road. As soon as we got into town we stopped at Chinook Centre and did a bit of shopping and looking. After that, we drove to Dale's brother's place. We showered and got ready and went out for drinks and appys somewhere on 17th. I drank many mai tai's .. they were delicious and sweet and before I knew it, I was drunk. We had to leave around 6 to head over to the Saddledome to pick up our concert tickets. We walked around and around looking for the place where our tickets were waiting. But as we were walking around, we got to see Kid Rock sitting with Rev Run outside their trailer. Then we headed inside and grabbed some water (which was triple expensive and some ice cream). The concert was really fun, and had a good crowd and feel to it: minus the pot smokers. Anyways, the highlights of the concert were Kid Rock and Rev Run doing their thing together, and Kid Rock singing Pictures. After the concert we walked back down 17th to Ric's Bar and Grill (right under Dave's place) for hydration and more drinks.

The next day we slept in super later, went into downtown Calgary for lunch and a bit of shopping around that area. We taxied over to Market Mall for more browsing and purchasing. We taxied back towards downtown Calgary in hopes to do a return, but then everything was closed, so we just walked back to Dave's. That night Dale and I had a late dinner at the Keg, and then called it an early-ish night. Dave arrived back home around 1130 and then we ended up just going to bed.

Monday was a bit of a more early morning, followed by us being disappointed. We went to a few stores in search of specific things and none of the stores had what we wanted. Then we tried to find our way to Ikea (we made it, just took us a bit!), and I was disappointed again when they didn't have the bedspread I wanted in Queen size. Neither of us had eaten yet and by this time it was around 2:00, so we drove out, heading home, and finally stopped in Nanton at the 'hidden' Subway. With food in our bellies, we drove and drove and stopped for gas and candy .. and then were home just after six.

It was a good weekend.

Today I had another day off, so I woke up, went to the gym, went to the superstore. Then I came home and ate lunch and my Mom and I prepared chili for tonight's dinner. Afterwards, I'm heading out with Tash and Chels for drinks. Hip hip. OH! and soon Dale and I are going to play tennis in the sun.


Jul 9, 2008

i've still got sand in my shoes, and i can't shake the thought of you

This month's Vanity Fair is sooo good. I just got it in the mail today, and it's got awesome pictures and an article on the new and upcoming Hollywood stars. The article compares and contrasts when they last did an article on the same thing (Mary-Kate and Ashley, Amanda Bynes, Alexis Bledel, Hilary Duff, etc.). It's really gooooood.

Today I spilled red nail polish all over my floor. My Dad gave me a lecture about my damage deposit next year, and how I should be more careful with my nail polish. I wasn't even painting my nails. Oh, and I spilled it on my new high heels: that was the most disappointing).

I am almost done the Gilmore Girls series. It's quite sad! What will I do without that show in my life 3 times a day?! I have started thinking on which series I will start next. I am excited for the Hills to start again, and all the regular CW shows.

My boy comes home tomorrow. I have two long days of work, and then it's mini vacation time. I am far too excited for it. Tomorrow morning I am planning on going to Step at 930. I was going to go to evening class tonight, but I fell asleep and had no way of transportation. Dang.

Anyways, I am so tired (beaching must be hard work haha) so I'm off to bed soon.

i'm a cat with no legs

Another day and a half off later...yesterday I worked until 3.. went home, fell asleep, and woke up around 530. I hit up the gym for a quick workout, then back home again. Tash came over for a visit, and then I went to rent movies and have a quiet evening at home.

Today I had quite the good day off with my besties. I woke up around 930, showered and got ready for the beach. Chels and I headed out to Wasa around 1130 for some tanning, swimming, and beaching. Tash met us out there around 2. We left around 330 as both Chels and Tash had to work. I came home and had another afternoon nap, and have just been cleaning my room, doing laundry, and watching Gilmore Girls for the night.

Dale and I are going to Calgary on Saturday! I am so stoked. I am taking 4 days off in a row, so it'll be a little mini vacation from Dairy Queen.


Jul 6, 2008


Yesterday, I had a jam-packed day off. I woke up and had all the intentions in the world to go to the gym. I didn't make it. Chels came over to grab a clutch, I ate breakfast, and then just took it easy for the morning. I cleaned my room up (which is already messy again) and watched Gilmore Girls episodes (I am almost done the series!). Around noon, I went downtown to do some errands. Then home again where I got ready and Dale came to pick me up. We headed out to St. Eugene to hit balls. I think I am improving. Actually, I know I am. haha. Then, it was home again for a bit of down time. And then Dale and I went bike riding. We went for about an hour and it was really fun! We went up around Idlewild and Gold Creek. Home again for dinner, and then Dale and I went to the movies again. We went to see The Strangers. Holy Crap! I was scared shitless. For the most part I was huddled up to Dale with one ear plugged and my eyes squeezed so they were only half open.

Today I work, Tomorrow I work, and the next day I work. Then, I have a day and a half off. I am hoping to make it out to the beach with Tash and Chels one of those days. Dale is out of town in Calgary Tuesday to Thursday. BOO.

Anyways, I best get ready now.

Jul 5, 2008

one sweet love.

i eat carbs

midnight bottle

life is in boxes in the back of our car
driving around with the dreams in a jar
and it's all right here.

i'll feed you ramen and you'll braid my hair
anything goes when you don't even care
when you're this far in love.

if it gets any sweeter than this,
i don't wanna know.

i want a garden and you want a coke.
living is simple when love isn't broke;
you can fix anything with a kiss

if it gets any sweeter than this
i don't wanna know

you read your book, baby, i'll float away
taking a nap on your lap in the shade
i could hold your hand all day

Jul 3, 2008


Days off are always good, and always needed. As usual, work is wearing me down, and after only two consecutive days at work, I welcomed time off. I only had to work until four yesterday, so I decided to head to the gym. I have been active lately, however, not really using my gym membership. I have been running with my mom, and only going to step class. So, I had not done weights in quite some time. I had an okay work out, but since I had forgotten the wireless part to my headphones, I really was bored while on the elliptical.
Dale and I saw Wanted last night. It was a doozy. Within the first two minutes of the show, we knew it was going to be bad.
Today was an action packed day. I awoke fairly early, all pumped to go the gym. Then, I remembered that my gym clothes were still not dry. So I decided to throw them in the dryer while I had a quick breakfast. I headed to the gym finally (just before 11), and when I arrived I was excited to see Tasha's jeep! So we chatted in the gym for a bit. So, by the time I actually started working out, it was after 11. I got out of the gym, and headed to Winners where I put a bathing suit and dress on hold. I headed home to shower and then go downtown with Dale. We went to the bank, to his Dad's office, and then for lunch. After lunch we went to Gerrick's (Dale wanted to look at a heart rate monitor), and then back to the mall so I could purchase my things.
We went for a bike ride after all our errands. It was only about 25 minutes or so, but still really fun! We just biked up around Gold Creek area, and then had to head back to get ready. Dale and I went to pick up groceries for our dinner with Steph and Jesse. We went to Safeway, then the Superstore, and then Safeway again. It took us a long time to round up everything we needed! Then over to Steph and Jesse's, then off to Monroe. It was a perfect evening for dinner and a late swim. However, I did not make it in (again! arg, I promise Dale I will eventually get into that water), Dale was busy making chicken wings...so just Jess and Steph enjoyed the warm water. We had a great supper, but then Jess had to head back into town for a late night meeting.
Dale and I came back to my place for some hang out time, then he left, and I finished watching the movie that we had started.
It was a good night. But now I am so tired, and it's back to work for me tomorrow.


Jul 2, 2008

july vignettes

past stories.

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