Jan 20, 2010


Just finished watching "Commando" with John Daley. I had the day off today (from classes): I got up around 8:00 and hit up the gym, then went up to campus to work on a group presentation for next week (it has to be an hour and a half! wtf), then home for lunchies, and worked on some homework. Today I accomplished: art history, visual journal entry, art summary #3, worked on my music paper, started to read the PE chapter for this week...and I think that's it! I have tomorrow after 10:00 off, so that'll give me the afternoon to work on some more stuff (I want to finish the music paper, and the PE chapter! plus think of ideas for le presentation!). I am a bit stressed as of late, but taking it one day at a time, and I feel like I am really working hard...doing lots of homework everyday, staying focused, and hitting up the gym more regularly. It's been good for the endorphins!

Anyways, I am off to sleeps now, and up early for history tomorrow.
Sleep well, love bugs.

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