Apr 24, 2010

eh? to zed!

Here I am .... Saturday day and evening working away on 10 of the 26 maple leaf letters for my Canadian alphabet. Since there are only 16 kidlets in my class, I have to make up for the other letters. It's been fun though... so far I have done A is for Alberta, E is for elk, K is for kayak, Q is for quarter, U is for uranium, V is for vacation, X is for X-crossing skiing, Y is for Yukon Territory, and Z is for zamboni. I just have to do J still, and that'll make it 10. And I am drawing little pictures for each of them, and I have to admit, they are pretty CUTE looking maple leaves :)

Other than that, I went for lunch with Nicole and Steph to That's a Wrap ... it was delish, I haven't had it in soooo long. I also hit up the gym before supper, and then had a t.v. dinner with my parents and we watched some of Crazy Heart.

Now, I am getting ready to head down to the show to see The Back-up Plan with J-Lo! I love her movies; they are so cute and funny!

Happy Saturday.

ps. Great Minds Think Alike: apparently my brother and I did identical blog posts just three days apart (he did his first, but I swear, I did not see his before posting mine). Crazy!



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