So, my flat iron broke. This is the second time that it's happened in a year. Now I have to have a whole new hair routine just to have it looking semi-normal. I have to wash my hair, put mousse in it while it's wet, crunch it after that... then I have to let it air dry. If I blow dry it, it will not work. So I let it air dry, but then I have to sleep on it. And then, when I wake in the morning, I have to put a little more mousse in it, just to make it happy. And, ta-da...waves (with a little frizz!)
Anyways, so I spent a boring weekend on campus. On Friday however, I went out for dinner with the ladies. It was really fun: we went to Earls and I always love the food was delicious, and the company was super. For the rest of my time I have been essay writing and studying for Nutrition. I spent some time in the library, but most of it in my room. I went running on Saturday and Sunday, and there is a house where they sell daffodils on the sidewalk. It's $2.50 for a bunch. There is no one there selling them, so it's all in good trust that you leave money for the flowers you take. I would like to buy some one day before I leave.
I am going to Vancouver on Thursday night. I will probably stay until Sunday afternoon. I plan on studying for two of the days, and shopping for one of the days. I need a little time away from Victoria, and it's so boring being on campus all day studying.
I write my Nutrition exam on Wednesday night. Last night I did all the chapter tests online in both multiple choice form and true/false. I did better in the true/false.
Tomorrow I am meeting Carli for breakfast/brunch/coffee after her morning exam. I am excited to catch up with her because I haven't seen her in over two weeks! We're going to the new cafe in the library, and I am really excited. Then, I'll probably do some more studying, and maybe a run if it's not raining. The weather says it is supposed to rain all day, but sometimes they are wrong.
Tonight I watched Atonement. It was really good. Nothing like I really expected, well actually I had no idea what it was about. I found it incredibly romantic, both love romance, and
romantic. I loved everything that Keira Knightly wore, and the scenery was breathtaking. The ending made me cry, and it made me frustrated. Anyways, if you haven't yet seen it: rent it!
Anyways, I should be off.
I'll write more soon.