Jul 31, 2009

electric feel

Work work work! I've got 4 days in a row, off for one then back on for 4. I've got lots of hours next week (!!) which is quite the relief after having not worked too much in the last bit. Today is my parents' anniversary (number 27!), and we are going to celebrate once they are out here. I can't believe it's the last day of July. Only one more month plus a week of summer vacay. August is one of my favorite months--I just love it! I am finishing up the Gilmore Girls series...I was disappointed because of a lot of the episodes from season 6 and 7 weren't on the internet, so I just had to watch what I got. So I work til close tonight, and then I open tomorrow (ooh the days of dq and feeling as if I never left that place). Anyways, I just finished up some peanut butter and banana on toast, and then may go for a bit of a run later, or hit up the beach for awhile before work.


Jul 30, 2009

Jul 29, 2009

too hot to sleep

it's been minutes, it's been days
it's been all i will remember.


Sitting here on the couch, fan blaring in my face, and I am still sweating profusely. Today was productive: I spent the entire morning cleaning my place, and then the Shaw guy came to try to figure out the shaw box, we thought we had it all figured out: then I come home this afternoon and half the channels won't work, so here I am on the phone with Shaw again, being put on hold for 45 minutes...so by the time I talk to a real person, I am just livid. Seeing as I got the box like a week ago, have spent about 3 hours being put on hold, plus had a guy himself come to set it up, and it's still not working??! So, now I've got to wait again until next Wednesday when someone will come to look yet again, at the box. FRACK! Anyways, so away I went to the beach again (this time alone, James was working) ...and boy oh boy, was it a scorcher out today! I am nearly done my book! Will probably finish it tonight. Jeeze, I really go through books quickly, so I'm going to need another read soon! Starting tomorrow, I am working through til Monday I think. Tash and Ty are coming out here next week, and so I am really excited for that! Plus having my two besties and I reunited again...it's been too long (again!). And, then my parents will be out here in about a week and a half. James and I made burgers and Greek salad tonight, and I had two Palm Bays to beat the heat. I don't work til 5:00 tomorrow, so I will probably go to the ocean again! My blog posts are probably starting to get (even more) boring because I do the same thing every day! Well for those select few that still follow my words, I apologize for the lack of excitement. And as I've said before this blog is mostly just a 'me' thing, and I find it rather therapeutic just to write my daily happenings :)

cheers to warm evenings,

Jul 28, 2009

heat wave

Still loving the heat wave. It was a blissful cooker out today! I ran downtown to do some errands (picked something up from work I forgot, bought bus passes for August, and paid the July bills), and I tried to go early, but didn't make it until 10:30...and it was already boiling! Anyways, then came home, and once again James and I went to the beach. I am determined to make the most of my summer (and free time), and get to the beach as much as possible. I can't remember the last summer I had this much freedom to hit up the beach numerous times a week. Anyways, I am quite deep into my book (around page 300), and it's getting juicy. I think Jodi Picoult could be one of my favourite authors. Once we came home I whipped up a cold (and alcoholic) beverage for myself: I took one of my Palm Bays, ice, and frozen strawberries and blended it all up...delish! It's 7:00 now, and I haven't started dinner because I feel like it's way to hot to cook/eat. But my stomach is calling, so I think I'll throw some chicken into some marinade and chop up some veggies for salad, and probably make corn on the cob again! The Bachelorette was SOO good last night, and while Ed wasn't my first choice (OMG Kipton and REEIIIID!), I still thought it was all cute. Chels and I had sushi (absolutely divine), and I made mojitos (refreshing!). Tonight is After the Final Rose Ceremony, and we'll see if they are still together. Tomorrow, I've got another day off, which means probably another repeat of today.

Enjoy (every bit of) this heat!

Jul 27, 2009

taylor's typicals.

Jul 26, 2009

tired sally.

I am tired (again, as usual). It's just past 11:00 and I could've gone to bed half an hour ago. I am finishing up a Gilmore Girls episode, and reading a message from a friend. I am really excited because (I was bummed out at first after I registered, because I didn't get into the 5th, and had to choose the 3rd cohort), I've got two friends in my cohort :) They managed to pull a little switch-eroo after hearing about my misfortune, so now I'm happy as a peacock!

I had the day off today. We are going through a little heat-wave, and it's supposed to last into next week :) So, (obviously) James and I hit up the beach to keep working on those tans of ours. I ran downtown this morning, just so I would have an excuse to look in Chapters, and I bought a new read. It's called The Pact: a Love Story by Jodi Picoult. It's super good so far! It's really interesting, and not what I expected, but I'm still content. So back to the beach scene, I was happy to lie in the sun for a few hours with my book.

I work tomorrow...and then I've got to hustle home for the Bachelorette finale! Chels is coming over, and I think we are going to do drinks and sushi or something like that. Hope I make it home on time! After tomorrow, I've got two days off (more heat-wave please!), and then back to work for the rest of the week.

Off to sleep,

Jul 24, 2009

just another manic monday.

I've found a routine for days off: wake up, eat a small breakfast, go for a run/walk/exploration of my new area, come home relax/eat lunch, head to the beach, dinner/quiet evening at home usually read my latest book or the nightly t.v. show. repeat. Other than beach days, I do a lot of cleaning and running around. Things aren't dull; I like what I have going on. I miss home though, miss my parents, and a hot Cranbrook summer. I miss the lake with Dale, and I miss warm evenings (it cools down as soon as the sun starts to set). I miss Hot Shots and Pita Wrapbit! Jeeze.

August is going to fly by. My parents are going to be here for most of the month, We are going to Osoyoos for a few days, might have a visit from a friend, working (hopefully getting some more hours), and then it's going to be prep for back to school!


Jul 23, 2009

gold fever

Just got back from work. It's been awhile since I've worked a close shift til 9:00! I am sitting some tea, eating some popcorn, and settling into the 5th season of Gilmore Girls. It's a gooody. Today was productive. I was up semi-early, to eat breaky and have a nice long shower before meeting Chels for tea. We visited and caught up for a bit. Then I booked it over to Richmond to catch the 14, rode up the street for a bit, then off to watch some more to Hillside Mall. Picked up my parcel, and then more walking and bussing, and I was home. Then I headed down to put in some laundry, back up to call Shaw and get the box set up, then more trips down to the laundry room. Then I had a bit of time to get ready, and off to work! Tomorrow: another day off, hoping to hit up the beach with Chels. summer skin summer skin summer skin.

Cheers to sunshine and summertime (and 10 cent candies)

Jul 22, 2009

lover's lane.

Another evening and I'm burnt out by 8:30. I don't know why I've been so exhausted as of late (maybe the sun? or the heat at night...restless sleeps?). Today was a nice day off. I woke up, and again, lazed around a bit. Then I went on a brisk run (getting back into it is going to be killer), then home to get ready for the beach. It wasn't all that warm out today, but nice enough for laying around for a couple hours (and not getting too hot). I am nearing the end of my book. I might finish it off tonight or tomorrow! Then I am going to need another read... any suggestions? Tonight James and I made thai chicken pizza...it was delicious, and now I am stuffed to the brim. We also bummed around and watched the Real World. Now I've got my cup of tea in hand (or on the table, as I type), and going to snuggle into bed for some Gilmore Girls and reading time. Tomorrow I don't work until 5:30, so I've got a full day to enjoy. I've got to really do some major unpacking still, pick up a package, but I would like to venture to the beach again? Oh so much to do!

Cheers, peaches.

Jul 21, 2009

girls in bikinis, boys doin' the twist.

Days keep going by! I was up this morning (fairly early) to scarf down some toast (raspberry jam and peanut butter...yum!). Then, I was off for a run/walk to explore more of Oak Bay. It was like stepping into an entire different city. Almost had a small town feeling, bustling with lots of (old) people, and everything had a bit of a slower pace to it. I like it. Got home, did a bit more to add to my workout, and then I had to get ready for work. Worked 1:00-Close tonight, and then came home to have some tofu, rice, and (a delish) salad with avocado. Tomorrow I've got the day off...beach time! :)

Jul 20, 2009

lazy hazy crazy days of summmer.

I've got some chicken marinating in the fridge (lemon pepper!), and waiting for my brother's arrival home from work. I am also going to cook up some rice and green beans and asparagus. YUM. Tonight on the Bachelorette: the men tell all! Next week is the finale. Kipton, please (or Reeeeeid...can he come back?).

Yesterday was absolutely wonderful at the beach. Sierra and I hit it up pretty early in order to get some quality sun before she had to work. I am now a nice brown, finally getting my summer skin :)

I came home and did a pretty big clean of the place: I vacuumed, sprayed scotch guard, did the dishes, took out the recycling and the garbage, cleaned the bathroom, organized my room a bit, windex-ed, etc.

Harry Potter was pretty uh-mazing last night! I couldn't reeeeally remember the book, so everything seemed new to me. I am excited for the very last one! The end of the movie was pretty cliff hanger-ish, and it left me wanting more!

Today I had a lazy morning, and then worked 1:00-4:00. The day went by quick because there was lots to do at work! I like those days. I went grocery shopping after I hopped off the bus, and got everything I wanted ON SALE! I am beginning to be such a great shopper :)
I am exhausted. After the bachelorette, I'll be off to bed to read a bit before sleeping. I am about halfway through my book, and it keeps getting better and better!


Jul 19, 2009

peachy keen.

Dale has left: he was up super early this morning to catch his flight. He is back in Calgary now, and driving back to Cranbrook this afternoon. I had such a great time with him here! I can't believe he was here for 10 days, and that they have already passed. Last night we finished off a great week by having a bbq at Chels and Jord's place. It was a delicious spread! Plus, Chels was making caesars and mojitos, and both were scrumptious.

Today I am hitting up the beach, and hoping to clean my place up in the afternoon. James and I are going to Harry Potter tonight! Wooweee.

After a lovely weekend off, I am back to work tomorrow!
Sunnnshine, here I come.

Jul 17, 2009

love after love

The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.


a swell of summer

Cousin Alli arrived, and we met up with James downtown after his haircut. We hit up the Sandwich corner for some caesar salad and cold chai tea lattes. I worked from 4:00-7:30, while the other visited miniature world, and the inner harbor. Then we all met up for some eats at the Noodle Box. We ordered ours a bit too spicy, and each had a hard time getting the delicious-ness down. After dinns we came back to our place to veg and watch the Real World: Cancun.
Thursday: Alli went back to Vancouver, and James joined her to go visit another friend. Dale and I picked up some picnic food grub, packed it into my basket, and headed out to find some sun and beach. We ended up at a nice spot, set up, ate, lounged, and played cards. We stuck around til 5:30, and then went back to Dale's to snooze a bit. We went and saw The Hangover later, and it was sooo funny! I hadn't seen a preview for it, but everyone has been saying that it's hilarious. It was well worth it.
Today (Friday): Dale and I slept in late, and now I am getting ready for work at 3:00. I just work until 6:00 tonight. So later I'll pick up some groceries and then I'm going to make some dinner for James and Dale again.

I have Saturday and Sunday off! BEACH TIME!

Jul 15, 2009


I'm awaiting my cousin, Alli's arrival. Then we are going downtown to meet Jamesy after his hairs get snipped a bit. I work at 4, but we are hopefully going to soak up some sunshine, and then all meet for the Noodle Box after I finish worky!

I want another beach day. Saturday, maybe?

I had a dream about robots last night. James and I had to drive around in this topless jeep and we had a key that we had to stick into 16 robots' hearts. We made it to two of them before my alarm went off this morning.

Dale and I went out for a yummy patio dinner at the Canoe Club last night. As usual, I got my usual. The house veggie burger is just to DIE for! I always have to get it. After we went back to his place to finish the move "Sleepers".

This morning I hit up the gym for my last Interval Bounce class. I'm really going to miss that gym. Maybe join again in the fall? I just have no money right now for a gym pass. I am going to try running again, and see where that gets me. But I really like having some muscle, so I want to keep up with the weights and stuff. I gotta do more pushups.

My phone hasn't been charging lately. I don't know if it's the charger or the wonky outlets in this place. Could be a combination of both.

Oh! Alli is here.
toodles, you!


~the time traveler's wife.

Some of the moves you've made and played are dumb.

Jul 14, 2009

grocery list.

I wish I were in Sandpoint. Ugh. I miss it, and the usual crowd, the beach, and happy hour. Last year I got to spend 4 or 5 days there, which was a lot compared to the past few years I've made it out.

Today I work 1:00-7:15iiish. Then home to clean the house and probably watch Canada's Next Top Model. Alli is coming over to the mainland tomorrow morning until Thursday afternoon. I've got to work and caddy, but I am excited to have a visitor! I feel like the place is still in shambles, and until my parents come back down (first week of August) I don't think it'll feel 'all set'!

Hm hm...what else. I've started to read "The Time Traveler's Wife". The movie looks incredible, but I really want to read the book first! I was also on a hunt for a soft cover of Eclipse (won't be out until August, at least), and a soft cover of "The Summer I Turned Pretty"...but it seems that they really just want you to pay the extra cash for a book cover. bah. I also treated myself to a new pair of sandals. They are super cute!

Last night I cooked up a delish dinner for the brother and Dale: I made corn on the cob, greek salad (my own dressing!), grilled chicken, and some hearty grain bread. YUM!

Anyways, I best be off. I'm thinking I'll organize the bathroom a bit before work.
The sun is shining today!

Jul 13, 2009

my life in pictures since last Thursday
mhmmm yummy go-to salad.
walking to and from le beach!
the beaaaach :)
Dale comes to visit!
wine and cheese at glo restaurant

Jul 11, 2009

her diamonds.

More sunshineee this morning: beach day! I've got the day off, so I'm just eating some cereal and then going to hit up the new gym and check it out. I'm actually going to do my own workout today: wow it's been a long time since the I've done that. Then, home to get ready for le beach.

Last night was good. I made my budget at work! Then, I met up with Dale and his brother, and his brother's friend for some (late) dinner at Earl's and a yummy raspberry mojito (or two)! Then we hit up the Rooftop for a corona, and then called it a night.

I've got three days off this week coming up, and I'm going to spend some time in Duncan caddying for Dale! :)


Jul 10, 2009

Everything is more peachy when the sun is shining. Yesterday James and I did some adventuring around our new neighborhood because I had an appointment at a new gym I want to try out, and then we headed to the beach to read our Twilight books. It was a great afternoon. I came home to do some laundry and clean a bit more while awaiting Dale's arrival. He picked me up around 8:00, and we headed to glo for some cheese and wine (and a little bit of halibut .. yum!), before headed to Public Enemies. It wasn't all that good. But we wanted to see it anyways. And then back to Dale's for sleepy time.

Today I work at 5:00. Dale and I slept in late. I've just been home for a bit now, doing even mooooore cleaning. My room is looking more and more roomy. I've unpacked all my books, and put them up on the shelf in the living room. They look good. I am still waiting to get those a & z book ends to go on sale. They are super cuute! Pretty sure they are down to $29.99 for the set (from $40.00), but I'm waiting even more haha.

Anyways, I'm off to paint my nails.

Jul 9, 2009


theeeeeee sun's back.

Jul 8, 2009

electric city.

I want the sun back. I want a beach day. bah! Yesterday I opened and worked til 4:00. I actually made my budget ... haven't made it in about a week. I waited for the bus home for quite a bit, and witnessed a bit of a scary scene that I haven't seen before in Victoria. Once home I had a snack of yogurt, granola, and raspberries. Then I scrubbed the bathroom clean (all that dust from dry walling!), and James and I put the shower curtain back up. I made some dinner ... tofu finally (!), and then watched Canada's Next Top Model while sipping some white tea. Lex and I went to see the late showing of My Sister's Keeper. It was sad, amazing, and not as good as the book. The movie's ending was completely different than the book, and the movie left out so many stories (and details) that the book had! That was disappointing.

Today: I am heading to the gym soon, then home to do some cleaning and maybe pick-up a few things. I work from 4:00-7:30, and then home to do some reading of New Moon. It's getting so good!

enjoy the day!

Jul 5, 2009

i can feel it in my bones.

Just polished off a yummy dinner of salad (topped with lime juice, SDT dressing, and cumin...deliiish), chicken, and corn on the cob. It was yummy! and I got my brother's approval, so all was good for the first dinner in the new condo. I'm also watching some season two Denise Richard's show: Life's Complicated.

James and I loaded up on groceries after I got off work: $213 later, we are set for a bit. Work was good today. Didn't make my budget, but was close, and sold a bunch of purses! :D

Off to talk to the one & only.


Off to workkkky soon. Tomorrow is a day off. I was up early this morning cleaning up the kitchen and organizing. It feels good to put everything in it's place. It's going to be a few days before things are starting to look more put together, but it's getting there!

Today isn't so nice out, so I don't mind working all afternoon. My brother and I are going to do some serious grocery shopping after I get off work. I need some fresh fruit and veggies in my liiiife. This past week has been pretty shit for eating and exercise. I am looking into joining VI fitness for my new gym pass. I gotta call later and figure out the prices, and classes, and how far I am from there (how long to walk). It seems I'm pretty close, but I don't know...I'll take up to a 15 minute walk, but I don't want it to be too far. There is also the Oak Bay Rec Centre riiiight near here, but I don't think they have classes. So I've got to do my research!

Anyways, bus time.
enjoy your day, peaches.

Jul 4, 2009

iced mauve.

I am reading the New Moon: Twilight Saga. OMG Twilight was amazing. I read it in under a week, and now I'm about a quarter into New Moon, and it's juiiicy!

Anyways, just lying in bed (first night, new room): and I love it already! It's this beautiful purple color: exactly what I was going for--feminine, romantic, and mature feeling. Eeeps.

I am super tired, but just writing out a few cards, making a phone call, and maybe reading a bit before shut eye.


we live on fascination

Graduations & Renovations: a lot has happened in these past 10 days. WOW.

My trip home was fabulous: I am so proud of my brother and all his accomplishments. His hard work has really paid off with him getting his butt down to Victoria and into UVic! Home time was nice for family time and friendship time. It all went by waaay too fast. I got back to Victoria on Sunday night, and immediately got thrown into packing and work for the next two days. Then, right into renovations! It's been a lonnng week, a bit tiring, but definitely happy times. I am so amped on the new place (still things to get done): it's come so far from when my dad and I first scouted it out in March! Wow: time flies (seriously).

Dalekins is headed down here this Thursday coming up. I am planning on getting more settled in this week (kitchen is a mess, and needs organizing), giving my brother some bus lessons, hopefully some beach time, finding a new gym, work, and much more summer fun. I want to get working on my cooking, and do some grocery shopping for some good items.

More to come soon, loves.

past stories.

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