Oct 30, 2009
Oct 29, 2009
party favor.
So exciiited for tomorrow :D Pubcrawl tomorrow night! I have class all day tomorrow, heading over to res to see what my parents sent James and I, heading home to clean up a bit and get the goods to pre-drink, and then Katie and Amy are coming over to get readyyyy to go out! Amy and I put together our costumes the other day (well the most we could), and tried them out, and I am so stoked.
Today was a long day. I headed up to the school at 9:30, and worked on a lesson plan for a few hours, then had class for another few hours. I went to the gym for a work out, and then hung out with Dale for a bit and watched the baseball game (Yankees won by the way!). Came home, had dinner, and now am watching my Thursday t.v. shows.
Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween weekend. Don't forget to turn your clocks back on Halloween night!
Oct 27, 2009
love of the loveless.
I am feeling some relief after today. I had a bit of interesting day...and well now that I've dealt with the situation, things are looking up. School was good though...I was super tired when I woke up: it was so dark out, and chilly!! After class I worked on a lesson plan for PE with my group for a bit. Then, headed home to answer the PE forum question. I hit up downtown for a quick hour after that, and now I am home deciding what to cook for dinner. The Hills is on soon! Then 90210 and Melrose Place. My weeks are filled up with t.v. watching: sorry can't make plans...I've got t.v. to watch! haha. jk (sort of).
Tomorrow: day off...but up on campus pretty early to work on a lit lang lesson plan, and then hitting up the gym (haven't been since Friday!). Tomorrow is Carli's birthday (an early shout out to my 21 year old cousin! Happy Birthday!), and we may be having a dinner celebration. In computer our newest assignment is constructing a website! It's got to be an educational one, but could be cool to learn the skills to make my own someday. We are going to be doing ours on ancient Babylonia. So...tonight while watching t.v. I have to do some research for that!
Anyways, off to do some cooking.
Oct 26, 2009
"you have a magical life, and you don't even know it!"

Decided not to go to the gym this morning. Needed a lazy morning to myself, and some time to clean up the apartment (after my busy weekend). So, I woke up just before nine, and cleaned my bathroom. Then, settled down with some scrambled eggs to watch Sex & the City. Shower and vacuuming is up next.
I really need to get some pictures printed and buy some frames! My living room and room walls are feeling a bit lonely. I'm thinking that I need a giant bookshelf to be home to all of my books I am accumulating this year. -Christmas, please!-
Enjoy your days.
Oct 25, 2009
to put it in the simplest terms: you're beautiful...you really are.
I had a great weekend. School/Homework free! Friday night, I rented Management, got myself a pumpkin spice latte, and settled down to a quiet evening at home. Ended up at Dale's around 9:30, and we hung out for the rest of the evening. Saturday, up a bit early to get ready for the Behavior Workshop. It was so worth the $20 I paid. We got breakfast, lunch, and tons of hand outs. The workshop leader was amazing, and energetic, and just so great to hear her experiences. I had to head downtown, and leave the workshop early to get to work. Work went by super fast because it was crazy busy, and I'm not used to that (compared to my Sundays!). After work, Dale and I went to dinner at glo....so good! Their mojitos (Spanish Steps) are delish! We headed back to Dale's to watch Escape from Alcatraz. I fell asleep before the escape, but got lots of sleep and slept til 10 this morning. Met Amy downtown to get some supplies for our halloween costume, and then got to work (and hour and a half early!!), so I finished up Management in the back and snacked on a scone. Work was good, went by fairly fast...and then I came home for a quick supper. Tiff and Amy came over for a visit and tea, and it was wonderful to see them and visit without school in the way :) Tomorrow I have computer class, and the gym in the morning (if it's not raining!).
sleep tight, kittys.
Oct 23, 2009
homework free?
Is that possible? I am homework free for le weekend. Terribly excited about that. I had a relaxing afternoon, and hit up the gym. It sure sucks riding the bike in the rain and wind...especially when the wind is pushing me back! bah. But, I rode on, to the gym, ran on the treadmill, and did some weights/abs. And then home on the bike. The sun started to shine a bit, by this time, so it was a good ride home. I had eggs for dinner and a latte from starbucks. I started to watch Management (with Jenn Aniston), but now am waiting for the Dale to pick me up, and we are going to hang out/finish the movie!
Tomorrow: I have a Behavior Management workshop at 10:00 up on campus. That goes til 3:00, but I have to miss the last bit, cause I work at 2:30. I am looking forward to it! Workshop includes lunch, yum yum...and then work should be okay too. I might pick up a few things for myself/halloween costume. It has been decided that "greek goddesses" will be the Friday theme for the pubcrawl. Soooo I am looking forward to putting together a proper toga this year!
Sunday: I am working in le afternoon, and before that meeting up to get costume supplies avec Amy. And maybe a sleep in day? And then Sunday night, getting together with my girlies from school to have some much needed non-school chat.
Happy Friday :)
Oct 22, 2009
Oct 21, 2009
no match for the trouble found

I am writing my reflective drama paper. I think it is coming along fairly well. Although, I am unsure of the flow of the paper. I am happy with the progress though, and am hoping to have it done by tomorrow before I head out to View Royal. That way, my faj can edit it pour moi, and I can hand it in on Friday morning!
I woke up early this morning to get a good start on the paper, with fresh eyes. I also watched Being Erica, and got ready for the gym. Ugh, I am going to have to get used to the rain. It was drizzling out when I biked over to the gym, and my legs got all covered in dirt and water. I am going to try to ride my bike to the gym as much as possible to get my heart rate up, and add in some extra cardio. After the gym, I came home and made myself a tuna fish sammy and had a cup of tea. I headed up to campus shortly after that for my Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes workshop. Highlight: getting overhead hand-outs, and a HUGE poster! I definitely need to refresh my brain of some facts though. Some vocab was WAY over my head. Oh well, just taking it all in...
Tonight: working on the paper for about another hour, and then watching t.v. (The City, ANTM, and glee!).
Enjoy your evening, cats.
Oct 20, 2009
dream a little dream.
"I was Bette Davis....I've never been Bette Davis before! I'm Audrey Hepburn! I'm Audrey....I'm Audrey."
-Blair Waldorf
Oct 19, 2009
the way we were.

Ugh. Tired today. I don't think I got enough sleep last night to make up for the weekend. I rode my bike to the gym today, did super sculpt, and then rode home. I had class at one. We listened to some presentations, and then the rest of the class was boring because we just did website tutorial. Now, I am home, and trying to finish up the PE paper (whoops, there were some things I forgot about to add in), finish my ePortfolio reflection for the letter of intro, look at articles for my Drama paper, andddd what else...ah. the list goes. on.
tea time...
My weekend was good. Dale and I went to see Law Abiding Citizen on Friday night. It was super suspenseful, and a bit gory...but still good...Gerard Butler. Saturday, I worked on my paper, and had to go into work for a couple hours. Then, Dale and Jord surprised Chels and I with a nummy dinner, and so the four of us ate and drank some wine. Both Chels and I were pretty tired so we ended up just chatting while Dale and Jord played games. Sunday, I slept in a bit late, and then worked til close. Last night I got groceries, made Pad Thai, and did a bit of homework.
The rest of the week has me working on a Drama Reflective Paper due on Friday. I have a volcanoes and earthquakes workshop on Wednesday...and that's about all my plans are!
Oct 17, 2009
Oct 15, 2009
"...and i'm a scorpio, what more do you need to know?'
I am watching my three regular shows for Thursday. I am not really into it though. I kinda got consumed into all my old emails that I sent people in 2006. That was a good year! Anyways. Today I woke up and hit up the gym for a quicky workout. I went back to Dale's to get ready for schoolio, and practiced my presentation and got me some protein. The presentation went good. I think my group did really well, however, I got a bit nervous, and lost my train of thought. I feel like whenever I know what I am talking about/passionate about the topic, then I am more at ease with presenting. However, the chapter we presented today was a bit over my head, and I don't think I was 100% comfortable. After the presentation, we went to the lab to work on an ePortfolio entry, and that went well because I also got a picture up onto my home site (finally!). After class, I came home and worked on my entry a bit more, and then have been pretty lazy and catching up on t.v. shows. I don't know where the night has gone! Tomorrow we a full day of classes, and we're going to Braefoot and get to teach some kindies a PE lesson (kindies = kindergartners). Then tomorrow/Saturday I've got to finish my PE paper.
Hope you all have had good weeks.
i used to think maybe you loved me, now baby i'm sure.
Oct 14, 2009
tectonic plates.
"It's easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching, and rarely discovered - so many locks, not enough keys."
Oct 13, 2009
"so lather on the tanning oil, and do some pilates"

Enjoy your evenings, cats.
Oct 12, 2009
walking on sunshine.

The end of Thanksgiving weekend. It went by quickly (as most weekends do!). Saturday was a great day. I woke up pretty early and worked on my PE paper. Then, my family and I headed downtown to Mayfair mall to do some shopping. I got a couple purchases from the Gap and Le Chateau. We came back to the condo after, and I worked on my paper a bit more. Then, back downtown it was, to the Bay Centre. We bussed downtown to avoid parking and traffic. I got a couple more things from Jacob and Aldo. My Mom and Brother got something too from Aldo using my discount. Then, us four headed out to dinner at the Keg. We all ordered steaks. Delish! Yesterday, I had to work at 2:00, but I worked on my paper in the morning (and started it all over again..bah! but I feel like it's better now), and finished up the episodes of glee to catch up. Work was good, and then right after, my family picked me up, and we headed to our relatives for dinner. Met my uncle and aunt there, and had a lovely feast. Yum yum. We got home pretty late, so I went to bed and read for a bit. My Dad left super early this morning to catch the first ferry, and my Mom left mid morning to catch her flight. I had to open the store this morning, so I was gone all day working. But, today was pretty fun, and went by quick. I came home to work on my paper a bit, have some dinner, and settle onto my couch to watch my Monday shows. Tomorrow, I've got a full day of school, and then working on a group presentation afterwards.
Hope you all had great Thanksgiving weekends.
Love to all.
Oct 11, 2009
Oct 10, 2009
now, let the wild rumpus start!

Working on my PE paper. Was up early today to give it a good go, and then I went to le mall with my family to do some shopping! I managed to get 2 good finds, and in a bit, we are heading downtown the the Bay Centre to do a bit more browsing. Then, we're headed out for some supps. It's such a gorgey day out today! Hope you all are having a good turkey weekend thus far, and enjoying the sunshine.
Oct 9, 2009
catch phrase

Hello, Weekend...Turkey weekend, that is! My Momma arrived on Wednesday night, and we ordered Thai food and watched ANTM. I had class yesterday. We went to South Park School for our Seminar class. The school is amazing. It is known as a Family School...meaning the parents are super super involved, and are able to join their child's class at any time. The students call their teachers by their first name, and the school itself is just wonderful and grand. It was built in the 1800's and the windows are huge, and let in all the gorgeous sunshine. I got to observe a 4/5 class (no longer split classes, but multi-age groups) in a music session. They were listening to Peter and the Wolf which used music as the character's voices. It was a cool concept for a music class. Last night, my momma made us fajitas, and I watched 3 hours worth of tv (egads!): Vampire Diaries (I get sooo into it and the "vamping out" bits), Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice. I am also getting hooked on the show Glee. If you haven't checked it out, it's on episode 6...and well I'm on the 3rd one, and it's pretty amazing. I'm a sucker for singers/singing. Today was a good day. Language Arts was wonderful as usual: I won a book in class! We had our second visit to Braefoot Elementary for PE class. I got to be a team captain to 4 boys, and so that was pretty fun. Then, we got buddied up with our student that we'd been assigned to observe. We had to teach them the new rolling game that our cohort had learned on Tuesday. And then Drama, it was good too. We played a couple games to do with occupations and careers. Anyways, came home for a bit, and my Pops arrived. Us four headed downtown to check out the convention centre to pick up my mom's marathon shirt, and grab lots of freebie stuff. We had salmon for dinner, and my aunt joined us. Now, I am working on my PE paper, and watching Adventureland. Tomorrow: up fairly early to work on my paper, and then head downtown for some shopping with my moma!
gobble, gobble. happy long weekend.
Oct 8, 2009
Oct 7, 2009
words and memories from a 17/18 year old girl.

california sapphire and faded jeans: I hope you get your dreams they were here first our lips can touch, and our cheeks can brush get your sexy on maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed: maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone-just as wild-to run with them dairy queen new york i love you in all moments of our absurdity sunshine heals all things she got out of town prom time's square spain, and all that happened there tay-oh's wonder why, doesn't matter take chances on chances cool is ... i'm looking for love-real love-ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming,-can't live with out each other-love i don't have the words to describe being infinite we have a love people dream about heaven on a stick fate poster girl with no poster tim horton's beauty is behind the heartbeat honey and the moon msn driving the goo goo dolls love mexico crushes jumbo cookies footloose ballet flats
power outage.
Oct 6, 2009
Oct 5, 2009

Just finished watching the 6th Rocky. It was great as usual. Definitely a bigger Rocky fan than Rambo fan. I like the story lines better. Had Subway for dinner, and before dinns hit up the gym to do some reading on the bike, and some free weights. Skipped the gym this morning to sleep in and prepare for the presentation. Speaking of presentations, ours went swimmingly. It was so good....took a lot of the pressure off for future presentations. We got some good feedback, so we were definitely happy with ourselves. 5 other groups went today too, and they had good ideas as well. After class, I hit up the book sale at the book store. Got loads of kids books for a $1.99 eachhh, plus 3 novels for myself for $2.00 each: steal of a deal! Tomorrow, I've got 3 classes, and some work to do after. I am leading the forum for this week in PE. I have to fix up my letter of intro a bit (visuaaaals!), and read the seminar chapter for next week--because our group is presenting. It was so warm here today! I was dressed fall-ishly (long sweater, leggings, and boots), but then I missed my bus, and had to huff it to school in the blazing heat. I was sweating by the time I got there. Bah. I think the heat (or sun, at least) is going to stay for the rest of the week :)
Off to read my kids books.
Oct 2, 2009
October has arrived. I've been in school for one month now! I can't believe where the time has gone. I am glad it's Friday! This week was sorta busy too. But, I'm always busy! Today for our PE class, we went to Braefoot Elementary to observe a class, while our prof taught them some things that we've been learning (basic fundamental moves), and then Chinese Gates. It was neat to be around the kids, and they are all super cute! Drama was also pretty fun today too. We did some different transformation activities which had us thinking on the spot, and doing a bit of 'acting'. After school, my group did our second audio journal, andddd then I finished up my PE blog. Chels and I headed downtown after so do some errands and a bit of shopping. I paid my bills, bought some earrings, returned a ring, and got a dress to transform into my halloween costumee. Now, I am at Dale's and we are having a date night (finally! we were busy on all the other nights!). So, he is cooking us supps, and we are having some wine. And, then a movieee later! :)
Happy TGIF!

Oct 1, 2009
light up, light up, as if you have a choice.

Thursdays are my big t.v. nights. Well, it seems that Monday through Thursday I've got so many shows to keep up with! I can't believe another week has gone by again! It's been a super busy week again. I've got some presentations coming up, so I've been lots of group work. Tomorrow our cohort is headed to our first school! We are observing a PE class (taught by our prof), and then we may interact with the kids a bit. I am looking forward to it! I haven't had that much experience with kidlets recently ... so hopefully all goes well as I get back into it. Ugh...so on the problematic side ... I come home to find a huge fan blowing on the wall outside my condo. I figure they are drying the new paint (I had seen Wet Paint signs yesterday)--but then one of our Strata members knocked on my door to let me know that they suspected that my bathtub was leaking. I informed them that earlier in the summer we had done lots of work on the bathroom, including the roof (which had some water damage). Anyways, so she is going to update me tomorrow ... and if it is in fact the bathtub, then we've got to pay the fees....if it is something else in the building, then the Strata pays (using our monthly payments). Soooo this weekend. I don't have a lot planned. Tomorrow I've got to do the audio journal after classes, and then Chels and I are heading downtown to look for some halloween costumes ideas, and look at purses. Saturday, Amy and Tiff are coming back over to work on the presentation and write out the lesson plan. Annnd then Sunday, I'll probably be working.
Sleep tight.
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