Mar 31, 2009
this is my winter (spring has not sprung yet) song for you.
It's the end of March, and it is still so chilly in Victoria! We had one nice, lovely, blissful day of sunshine and heat ... and now back to wind, rain, and shit. Anyways, today has been okay. I woke up and lounged around in bed for a bit, and watched gossip girl. I cleaned my room and then got ready to go to the gym. I am sore from playing SQUASH last night! It was so much fun though -- Dale and I played racquetball the other night, but we really wanted to play squash ... and it turns out that squash is way more fun (plus more of a work-out!). Anyways, had a good workout today at the gym while Dale played hockey. Then I waited for him and read my book for a bit (I simply cannot work out for two hours!). Back home for a long, hot shower, and then soup on the stove, and I settled down for some lunch and re-runs of the Hills. After that I made a few phone calls, and then for the rest of the afternoon I have just been internet-ing and trying to get this (last!) chapter read for tonight's tutorial.
OH! News of the day: I got an email this morning for the Faculty of Education advisors saying that I am eligible for admission (from my grades thus far). They are interviewing each applicant individually which counts for 30% of the decision. The other 70% of the decision is based on GPA. They said in the email that the quota is usually only 90 students ... well they are in for a surprise: 360 people applied! I hope they are going to extend that quota. yiiikes.
Tomorrow is April 1st (where has the time gone?!)! I am going to go and apply for some more jobs tomorrow (fingers crossed that I actually do it). I am so excited to have Lauren here next week! And then off to Vancouver for Easter. Gah. April is going to fly by too!
lots of love.
Mar 30, 2009
- the Hills season 5 premiere (like I said, I might pee my pants ... I am that thrilled)
- this semester ending
- getting a job, actually having a little cash to play with
- going to Van for Easter
- renoooooovations (this also makes me wanna pee my pants)
- my brother coming to Vic for uni (getting acceptance and a scholarship for uvic themselves -- he makes me so proud!)
- having my another bestie join Victoria next January
- Lauren is coming next week for a little viiisit
- a graduation in may & a graduation in june
- my hair is getting longer
sunday (and monday) best.
Im sitting here sipping some warm vanilla earl grey tea (numm), but ready to fall asleep for a quick nap. So, I thought I'd write on my last two days.
Yesterday I got up and finished typing up some info for my project. Then I got ready and went over to Dale's to use his printer. It was such a gorgey day out yesterday! I was walking in just a sweater, and later was wearing shorts :)
I finished printing, cutting, and pasting stuff at Dale's. I have to say, my grade-7 level poster board looked pretty smashing (besides gluing the map on upside down, and just realizing that this morning). Then, I walked up to the gym for a good workout. I seem to have accumulated back fat this year. Seems that is wear my weight has decided to situate itself for the time being. BLEH. It's the worst, and it makes me feel yucky. So I need to get into a hardcore workout routine, and maybe cut out some of the extra snacking that I like doing. Ahhh but it's hard! Anyways after the gym, I walked home for a nice supper with Lex. Then walked back to Dale's to watch Saving Private Ryan. I have only watched bits and pieces of that movie, and never all the way through ... so it was cool to finally see the entire story (I didn't realize what it was actually about until last night!). Then sleeepover with Dale.
Came home this morning to make an egg with green, red, and yellow peppers in it, and a nice bowl of instant oatmeal and craisons in it. yummers. Off to school for classes. I was so nervous to present my bracelet project, but luckily it didn't get to me. I handed it in at the end of class, and am seriously contemplating not showing up on Thursday. It's just that everyone that presented today went ALL out, and my project doesn't seem to fit up there with theirs. So yes, we'll see what Thursday brings. After class I saw Amy on campus so we stood out in the cold to quickly catch up on life, love, and friendships. Then, I bussed it to Dale's to play some video games before his class. Tonight I think that Lex and I are going to step class (gahd, I really hope we go ... we haven't been in sooo long, and I miss it! and we need it! haha).
Mar 29, 2009
they bring me to you
do you dream, that the world will know your name? ...
... so tell me your name.
Saturdays are good days too. I can't remember where I left you on my last post, but I do believe that I was heading out to Langford with Dale. I really wanted to check out the Superstore (can't stay away), and they had some greeeeeat spring pieces for cheap. I didn't buy anything, but I found a super cute dress that I may have to pick up for Easter dinner. After that, Dale and I went to the gym to play racquetball... it was really fun!
Then I was home to shower and get ready for dinns with Lex. We went to the Local. It was yummy: I had a pesto chicken burger and we both had peach raspberry mojitos. We came home and lit candles for Earth Hour. We missed the official hour because we were at dinner, so we tacked on an extra hour of darkness with candles, tea, and a lantern! Chels came over for the tea part, and we sat on my bed catching up.
Tomorrow I for sure have to finish my ESCI project. I have put it off until the last day (of course), but it is due Monday ... so I have no choice. I may also hit the gym and start to study for PoliSci. The final exam is approaching soooo soon!
Off to bed I go.
Mar 28, 2009
oh lover, hold on.
Today's tidbits: it's pitter-pattering outside, and I'm inside cleaning, doing laundry, and listening to all my new songs I've downloaded. Grey's Anatomy has some of the besssst songs in their episodes. Anyways, for the rest of the day: Dale is picking me up soon, and we are going to go to Langford to some of the stores they have got out there. I am in the mood for some Superstore finds, so we'll see what that brings. After that, I think we are going to head to the gym and have a much needed work out. Tonight I may be going out for dinns, and then hopefully Chels is going to give me a ring-a-ling tonight :)
Mar 27, 2009
elevator love letter.
Fridays are relaxing. I usually use them as my catch-up/lazy day. This morning I've just been laying in bed catching up on Wednesday and Thursday night t.v. shows. Other than that, I just plan on taking a trip to the mall with Dale and hoping to finish my project today. I haven't written in a couple days, so here is a catch up.
I woke up early, and walked over to the gym for a workout. Dale met me there a bit later, and then he drove me home when I was done. Then I made lunch and got ready to head up to the biblio cafe to meet Carli. This week was the first week I really had nothing to do on our usual 3-hour Wednesday afternoon visit. So we just sat and chatted and checked out things on the internet. She showed me some pictures that she had edited, and I found some pics I had never seen before from like two years ago! After that, I bussed home, where Chels was waiting for me outside in her car. We drove down to a cute little coffee shop on Hillside near Shelbourne. It turns into a little bar at night for pre-drinking and sometimes there is live music. After that, we drove around a bit, and I showed her the outside of my apartment. Then, she dropped me off at home, and I walked over to Dale's (it was so nice on Wednesday: sunny & warm!). We got ingredients so that I could make this South Eastern salad and Mediterranean pesto burgers in pita shells. The burgers turned out pretty good, and the salad was okay... but next time we thought we would alter some of the veggies that we had put in. After dinner, we settled down for a movie (In the Line of Fire with Clint Eastwood ... it was good). It was pretty late when we finished the movie (it was 3 hours!) so we scrambled into bed and I fell into a deep sleep.
Woke up and Dale drove me home so I could get ready for class. Dale didn't go to class, so I bussed it up to campus. I had 3 hours of class, and then headed back to Dale's for leftovers for lunch and to hang out a bit. Cody then came over, and we drove back to my house to get my gym stuff, then all 3 of us went to the gym. We couldn't stay too long, cause Dale and I had Geog. Geography was so boring and SO long last night. I stopped taking notes around 830, and I can't even remember when we got out of there. Dale and I signed up for the 16th exam date--hip hip. Then, back to Dale's house for a quick bowl of soup (I had intentions to finish my project, but decided to do it today), and then we had an Office marathon. I have missed so many this season! So, Dale had them all downloaded for me to watch :)
Other than that, nothing is new. Carli and I (and Dale will be there too!) are heading to Vancouver in two weeks! I can't wait. I have got to start looking for a job so that I can start on April 17th! I am hoping to find something in the new area that I'll be residing in, in about 3 months. And as for the rest of my weekend, nothing really ... no plans! Another lazy weekend before things get crazy for studying and end of semester.
Mar 26, 2009
Mar 24, 2009
cd in the car.
truth be told, i've tried my best,
but somewhere along the way,
i got caught up in all there was to offer.
new moves.
I am sleepy! And I had a nap this afternoon (which was much needed, it up up early everyday with my faaj here doing condo business). I had tutorial this evening, the topic was pretty interesting, but I clammed up and couldn't really say what I wanted to say. Ah, oh well ... next week is the LAST tutorial! Our TA is hoping to have our papers back to us next Thursday (gah, fingers crossed ... he is a pretty critical marker :S ). I bussed home, ate some veggies, and then just finished watching a movie with Lex & Elli.
Tomorrow's day is full of lots of catching up. The gym in the morning and as per usual ... Wednesday afternoons are reserved for Carli & Taylor time. So I'll be up at the library working on my personal project for ISCI, and I think Carli has a paper to work on. Then, I'll be meeting up with Chels. We haven't visited in what seems like forever, so that'll be nice. And then tomorrow night I must hang out with my boyyy: we also haven't seen each other in awhile ... just some time when my dad was here. I really wanna go see a movie. I haven't been to the theatre in ages (more like a couple weeks haha), but I feel like seeing a good show and popcorn.
The rest of the week: nothing really! Just looking into jobs, researching for renos, and maybe studying? But, I really have no school work to do. ha. There is always something to do.
I really don't have much more to shareeee, so I'll finish this up!
today's things:
- the gym (done and done)
- type up my "Wild Woman" report
- exam prep (?)
- tutorial
- catching up with besties, and my boy
It's cold here today. It's been cold for awhile now. I really want to wear my skirts without wearing tights! Carli and I are going to get together tomorrow to plan our Vancouver trip. We will probably head out around the 8th, and return sometime during the Easter weekend. We are hoping to cook up an Easter dinns at my Gramma's old house.
Since my last exam is now on the 16th, I am going to get looking for a job (again ...) and hopefully get some bites this time! This time I have to reconsider my location of where I will be applying for jobs, since I'm moving at the end of June.
I found a new bedspread/duvet cover that I really, really want. My one that I have now is pretty blaaah. The one that I found has a bit of color in it, but is mostly stark white. Wish Liiiist!
Anyways, back to my report.
two of my most favorites.
i woke dreaming we had broke
dreaming you left me for someone new
and you cried, drying those brown eyes
crying you're sorry -- sorry won't do.
but this is the way i need to wake
i wake to you
and you never left me
all that i had dreamt had to be untrue
open my eyes
i see sky.
oh, oh, oh, you know the way to keep my on my toes
i, i, i, will be fine -- just say you'll stay forever mine
'til we fall asleep tonight
last night we had a great fight
i fell asleep in a horrible state
then dreamt that you loved my best friend
my heart would not mend -- seemed it was fate
sometimes i forget to love you like i should
but i'd never leave you -- no, i never would
i never would.
-joshua radin & ingrid michaelson
Mar 23, 2009
biiiig news
it's official. it's official. IT'S OFFICIAL.
if you want the deeets, then you can ask me ... i'm too lazy to type it ouuut.
It's cold today. I have just two more weeks of school. My project for ISCI that was due this Thursday is now moved to one week from today, but I think that I'm going to get it done this week so that I don't have any homework on le weekend!
I am headed to Vancouver for Easter weekend. I had initial plans to go to Osoyoos, or even home, but my exam sched got changed, so I don't really have time to do all that traveling. So, my older cousin has proposed Easter dinns at my gramma's old house. I think I deserve some shopping. haha.
Well, this entry is pretty boring minus my BIG NEWS. ahh, oh well.
Mar 22, 2009
good things.
Sunday night, weekend over ... but it was a goody.
Friday -- My dad and I started off the day with looking at 2 places: one I had seen before (and had practically started to call it mine, and one on Quadra and Mackenzie.
We went to see the one on Quadra, and it was a let down. I didn't like the location anyways, but it was pretty dirty, cold, and terribly set up. When we went back to the Mackenzie one, we noticed a listing for a one bedroom, so we decided to check it out too.
The one bedroom was gorgy and peeerfect. We really really wanted to put an offer on it, but because it was a one bedroom we held off (we are looking for a two bedroom). So we sadly let it go. And we decided that the two bedroom was too priiiicey and needed way too many renos. So, we just left our minds to rest for a bit, and then headed home to pack (for Nanaimo) and then went to Safeway to get some lunch foods and picked up Dale. It was sunny out so we decided to go up Mt. Doug. So, the three of us trekked up Mt. Doug and ate lunch up top. It was a great day, until the clouds rolled in! We headed back down, and it started to pour rain on us. brrr.
We dropped Dale off, and then my Dad and I headed out to Nanaimo.
lunch time :)
winnndy up top
the boys
... and the rain started ...
me and my looover
We got into Nanaimo around 5, grabbed some Chinese food with my Uncle, and then I got ready and walked down to where Lauren works: Damsels. I checked out the shop while she finished up her last hour of work. We went back to her place to change and such, and then headed downtown to the Modern Cafe for drinks. The drinks were yum, and Lauren ate some din dins. We ran into a little bump when some Romeo (Romeo, where art thou Romeo?) scared the living daylights out of us. Early to bed that night ...
Saturday -- woke up pretty early ... but was really lazy getting ready. I ate some toast while I watched Grey's Anatomy (it was sooo good this week!), and then my Dad, Uncle, and I took a stroll downtown and around. I got a latte at a little cafe (cute, but too pricey), and then stopped to say hello again to Lauren. We then did a little loop back up to my Uncle's place to grab the car and then go get groceries for dinns. My uncle stocked up on daily stuff, and my Dad and I got quesadilla stuff. We went back to drop my Uncle off (he had to go up island for a retirement thing), and then my Dad and I drove out to Parksville for a walk on the (windy) beach.
afternoons in Nanaimo
We headed back for some downtime, and then got cooking for supper. Dinner was delicious. Then, we headed out to Lauren's. My Dad visited for a short time with Lauren's maj, and then he headed out to see some more family friends. Lauren and I got drinking and movie making (some embarrassing moments on facebook resulted from that), and just had some great girly time. I was so lucky to be able to spend so much time with my bestie this weekend :)

And then we come to Sunday ... I slept in today and woke up to my Uncle and Aunt arriving home. We had a little lunch with them, and then my Uncle helped me with my last EDCI project (I am actually pretty stoked on it!), then I stole (well asked to steal) some magazines so I could get some new recipes. I really wanna get into cooking, but I really need a bbq!! I really like all that grilling and charring stuff of summertime. YUMM. Then, my Dad and I were back to Victoria with plans to watch Dale's hockey game, and then my Dad was going to head back to Nanaimo (plans keep changing!). We ended up looking at a place today (could be a keeper) -- needs fixing, but there is some beauty potential. Then, we jetted up to catch the last period of Dale's game (they lost, and are now out of the playoffs). Back to Dale's to cook up another mean stirfry with my pops for Dale.
little Nanaimo neighborhood
homeward bound
Now, I am home and tired, and really excited for school tomorrow (who gets excited? -- but Mondays are the new Fridays haha). My faj is staying until tomorrow or Tuesday :)
Okay, sorry about the long, boring entry. bah.
Sleep tight all.
Mar 19, 2009
so over winter-ish type days.
I forgot to post some pics of the strange winter weather we had last week. It'd rain, then snow, and then complete sunshine and warmth. Since the rain and snow only lasted for an afternoon, it was alright.
le snow
le awful snow
le rain that follows suit
this weather gives me the bluues.
I am so glad that Thursday (and this week are over). Today was such a long day, and it felt good to finally get two things out of the way. It was awesome to hand in my project (which seemed pretty original compared to everyone else's science-fair-board type project). Last night was so frustrating working on it, so it's nice to have that completion feeling. ahhh.
I think tomorrow that my Dad and I (and maybe Daleykins) are going to head up Mt. Doug before we drive out to Nanaimo. Sunshiiine please!
early bedtime tonight after a little private practice.
miss spektor says it best.
you will never be my, you will never be my, dear, dear, friend
la la la la la la
tofu stir-fry & blueberry bran muffins.
My dad and I just made this awesome stir-fry with tofu, chicken, veggies, egg, and peanut sauce. He also brought muffins and cookies (muffins for me, cookies for dale) that my mom made.
Today has been a super long day. I was up at the school from 10-230 working on group projects/presentations, and class. My Dad surprised me during my polisci class (Dale found him wandering around looking for a pay phone). So I left class to give him the keys, and say hello. Then, I had my group presentation. It went especially well! The prof was super stoked and thrilled about it.
Afterwards, my Dad picked me up, and we came home to finish my journal. Then, we headed off to get some groceries for dinner! Ate dinner, and now we are heading up for my geog class at 630. We are going to meet Dale there.
-we are looking at two places tomorrow morning with mr. Peter
-going to see Carli and Aunt Cathie
-finding me a new dentist (?)
-and then depending on the places tomorrow, we will head up to Nanaimo.
The dishes are calling.
Mar 18, 2009
lists to keep me sane.
Just sitting here, waiting for Dale to pick me up. We are going to the gym (didn't make it this morning), and then prolly back to his house to make some dinns and finish our projects. I spent 3 and a half hard core hours on my project this afternoon, and an hour this morning. It's getting there. Nearly done, I am going to be so glad when it is complete & handed in. Carli and I caught up love and friendships and life while we concentrated on our homework too! It's always so good to see that girl.
- faj arrives
- group get together before class
- poli sci
- group presentation
- final touches on project (if needed)
- faj accompanies the boy and I to geog
- project gets handed in
- weekend time!
Well, I best get my stuff together.
hotel room.
Today's Mission:
- finish project (after all it is due tomorrow. YIKES)
- gym sesh at 1130
- meet Carli at the school for a catch-up
Yesterday was a good day, besides one minor bump. I had to meet a group for our presentation (tomorrow!), and we were putting together the powerpoint and figuring out what each of us will say. It looks like, we won't have to talk all that much, or some of us won't have to speak at all! hip hip. Then, I headed back home to work on my project and made an early dinner before I went to campus for tutorial. Tutorial was really good this week. There was only 6 of us, and I got a chance to speak! We went into 3 groups of 2, and had to concentrate on just one section of the chapter, and then help explain it through questions to the other 4. I really liked it. Then, I headed home to put in another good few hours of working on my project. I had a setback (this was not the minor bump), and realized that my childhood journal was a bit inaccurate on a few places, so I had pasted down captions and pictures in some of the wrong regions. I tore up my scrapbook a bit (yuck, ugh), and started to get really frustrated. I really really need to get that figured out. Anyways, then Chels, Jord, and I headed to Dale's to make a couple drinks, eat popcorn and play the Wii. It was a really low-key St. Patty's day but it was just what I needed, and we had tons of fun.
I am catching up on old Regina Spektor and Rachael Yamagata songs. Mhmm... goodies.
Mar 17, 2009
with every heartbeat.
Happy St. Patrick's day! I was up early today ... well initially. Dale and I had planned to get up for his 830 class at 730 am. Then, we woke up, and he got an email saying his class was cancelled today. So back to bed for an hour, and then up to eat breaky and watch Jon & Kate plus 8. Dale then dropped me off at the gym while he ran errands. After, back home for me to get a good chunk of project time in before I have to be up at the school. I am catching up on my Monday night shows (finally they are newbies!), while I cut and paste.
I am off to the school at 230 for a group project (our presentation is Thursday! eeks!), and then I have tutorial tonight at 630. Then maybe some drinkys for st. patty's.
Yesterday ... I just had school in the morning. Then, I went to visit Dale and try to print out some things before his class (that didn't work out, nothing would print!). Back home for a quick nap, and I watched some 8th and Ocean oldies. Last night I made spaghetti for dinner, and then walked up to the gym (catching up with my cousin on the phone ... so I wasn't 'alone' on my dark walk), worked out, and then went to Dale's. We had some wine and watched Bowling for Columbine (I had only seen bits & pieces), and then off to bed!
Anyways, I best go do some more research.
Mar 15, 2009
"We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment". That is the quote I am going to place on the front of my geog scrapbook. Short, sweet, and simple. My project is coming along nicely, and I am just adding cute stickers, cutting & pasting, and doing some final touches. I still need to do a bit more research, however, but it's sooo boring! ah!
Today was a good day. I stayed in my p.j.'s until 6. It was nice. I just worked on my project, made chicken noodle soup, and napped. Then up to eat dinner consisting of honey garlic chicken, a baked potato, and salad filled with lots of veggies (we haven't had salad in soo long!). Then off to Starbucks for a green tea, and now back home catching up with besties (thank god for those), and munching on a bit of leftover salad.
Tomorrow: classes from 1130 til 230, and then hopefully step class in the evening!
I am so excited to see my Dad! He is going to try to make it over earlier so that he can see my project before I have to hand it in (awh!).
St. Patty's is on Tuesday, and a few of us are planning on going to the Sticky Wicket for some drinks. I need something green to wear!!
Anywho, I am going to put that quote on my cover now! I hope this wind dies down enough so I can sleep tonight!
lazy sunday.
I am beginning to love Sundays. I used to dread them, but lately they have been my lazy day, in which I rejuvenate and get ready for my Mondays (which I usually don't mind). Anyways, last night ...
Lex and I went to the Sauce for mojitos and bruschetta. She had a blueberry mojito (which are to die for), and I had a pear mojito (it was absolutely delicious!). We then hurried off to the Arena to meet up with Dale, Chels, Jord, and Jord's cousin/Lexa's friend, Jenny. We got some free tickets to watch the Salmon Kings game. It was pretty fun, I haven't been to a hockey game since I worked at the Ice games (Wow, loonnng time ago!). Chels and I just caught up, and our boys bonded. Afterwards, the boys went to Dale's house to meet Cody to play some xbox. I went home (soo tired), scrapbooked a bit, made some popcorn and watched He's Just Not That Into You. I had to watch it in crappy quality on megavideo, but all my girlyfriends have seen it ... so I had no choice (definitely not dragging Dale to that one heehe). Anyways, I only watched about an hour before my eyelids could not stay awake anymore. I just finished it up now while I'm still in bed.
I'm going to shower soon and get ready for the day, make some steamed milk, and work on my project. I was really hoping to have it done by today... but looks like I won't have it done til Tuesday or Wednesday (it's due on Thursday eekkks).
Mar 14, 2009
may i call you fred?
All showered, and food in my belly, I am now sitting on the futon watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I haven't seen in (a couple) months, and was thinking of Audrey (when am I not? ha), so in goes the movie.
I ended up going to the gym. My boy picked me up and dropped me off (on his way to tutor), so that was awfully appreciated! Our gym just got a whoooole bunch of new cross-trainer ellipticals, and some sorts of new stair climbers (it's all the same equipment as World's). So I had a great workout, and burned off some of the sugar I had last night.
Now I am just sipping my steamed milk and (trying to) do some research while I watch the movie.I am really tired, and sensing a nap coming on. But, ever since the other night when I was sleepless, I am trying to stay clear from napping (even though naps feel sooo good!).
Today I'm going for drinks and then the hockey game. Should be a good nighhht!
Well, Audrey is trying to get my attention now.
Tooooodles, dahhhlings.
you could be happy.
Wow, I have been blogging (updating) quite a bit this month. Anyways, last night's pizza turned out good. I ended up making 2 individual mini pizzas for Dale and I. I don't know if he was quite sold on the whole peanut butter(y) sauce ... but it really was delicious! We got the dough fresh (thin, thin multigrain crust) from Thrifty's and it was really tasty! I forgot to put a bit of honey into the sauce, but it tasted pretty much the same as my Mom's.
Today ... woke up to grey skies and rain. Definitely not riding my bike in that weather to make it to the gym (Maybe later this afternoon with Dale?). So, I've decided to take it easy again, and just (for sure) type up some more captions for the project, and get my sources for the pictures I am 'stealing'. Other than that, I am bumming around.
When my Dad arrives on Thursday night, I think he is going to come to Geography class with Dale and I. It's the geography of Canada, so he thinks he may enjoy it! On Friday morning, we have another meeting with Peter to check out (the Condo that I practically fell in love with) an apartment again. If all goes well ... maybe an offer is in the works? It needs quite a few renos to completely modernize it (from the 1970s), but the lighting and space is so great, that is makes up for it! Then we will be heading out to Nanaimo in the mid/late afternoon for the weekend.
I woke up today thinking that it was Tuesday. I was so disoriented ... I thought I had tutorial tonight, and completely thought it was a week day. I finally realized it was Saturday as I was making breakfast. Jeepers. This upcoming Thursday, we have to present our group project in EDCI372. We have decided to go with stereotypes of Indigenous peoples, and have a bunch of Disney (and other) clips from Pocahontas (sp?) and Peter Pan to help along the discussion. We have a total of seven people in the group, so it is really hard to organize a presentation for that many people! But it's going well. We are meeting on Tuesday to finalize things, and run through the presentation. Hopefully everyone shows up this time!
I need to find some (lucky) bamboo sometime this weekend. I saw some at Fairway Market, but I really don't like that place (it's sort of grimey), even though I got strawbs for $2.98 there last Monday. But, that's the only place I've seen bamboo, but I believe we have a florist shop somewhere around Shelbourne Plaza, so when it's sunny out, I'll venture down there.
I had a dream last night that I had to pay $220 for groceries one week. I was totally upset because I had spent all my money for the month on groceries the past week! Jeeze. The dream was probably just going along with my usual money anxiety and the fact that I need to switch the Shaw bill into my name (so we can get student savings), and that I should have done that days ago.
Now I am just rambling on and on. So I'm going to go get some yogurt.
Mar 13, 2009
friday night lights.
I've had a wonderful afternoon with my one of my bests, Chels. We went up Mount Doug, and it was fantastic. The walk up increased my heart rate, and we tried out a bunch of different paths to get to the top. We encountered four deer and a dead end, so decided to find the road and just follow it up the rest of the way. The view up there is pretty amazing, you can see all around you ... and I'm just sad it took me a year and a half to get there! My favorite views are always those of the ocean ... because when you are near the ocean, smell it, see it, or whatever, I just feel closer to Vancouver (a city in which gives me most comfort). I love it! Anyways, we trekked back down, and hit up Starbucks for some lattes before calling it a day!
One week until I see my Nanaimo bestie! I am excited for the plans that we've made (mostly her creations, but still!). And as always, to see my Aunt and Uncle ... they always cook the best meals, and they are just so wonderful to be around :)
I wish the sun would come back out to play. As long as the rain/snow stays away. My mom and brother are off to hot, sunny Cancun tomorrow night. They are going to be there for 2 (incrediiible) weeks. I am beyond jealous! I want to get back into the heat, work on my tan, and read til my heart's content! Oh well, they will have a marvelous time, and I get to see my dad!
a fine frenzy
So last night, I ended up being up til around 4:30 a.m. I was started to get pretty frustrated, but finally lulled off to sleep. I was up at 9:00 (so I'll probably be dead-tired again tonight), made some oatmeal and a smoothie, and then got ready for the day. I decided to skip the gym because of my lack of sleep, and just do the Mount Doug thing today with Chels. It is look sunny out, and we are going in an hour ... so we are excited! Rain stay away!
So far today I have just been on a cleaning/organizing spree. I cleaned out my drawers, and organized all my clothing. Then I moved my t.v. out of my room (I never watch t.v. in there ... so it was just wasted space). I swept, cleaned dishes, unloaded the dishwasher, and organized my bathroom a bit more. Now I am just catching up on my Thursday night shows, and then going to work on Geography for a bit. Chels is coming to pick me up at 2:00, and then we're off!
Weekend time.
no sleep tonight.
Laying here in bed, I seem to find myself wiiide-awake. I was super tired an hour ago ... but I guess just too many things on my mind that are keeping me from falling asleep.
Anyways, I am on my weekend now (this week went by sooo incredibly fast!). Today (or yesterday, rather) was a good day. I had a nice long sleep, and was up for 3 hours of class. However, I seemed to make it to class late ... I missed the first bus, and then the next one passed us waiters by (it was full), so I finally got up to campus at 11:30... but didn't make it to my class til about 5 minutes passed that. For some reason I thought that my class was cancelled, or that we just needed to hand in our papers (and then leave) ... cause I saw at least 5 of my classmates walk past me on my way to class. Well, thinking that everyone was just at the front handing in their papers, I walked in the bottom front door (our class is in this huge lecture hall) to find my prof lecturing and everyone staring at me. I felt like a douche, and I got the death look from my prof (he hates late people, especially when they come in the front door) ... so I quickly scurried to my seat (which is basically all the way at the top ... why didn't I just come in the back door?), and was all outta breath trying to get my life together. ha. Anyways, the rest of the day went smoothly, in Native Studies we just went over group stuff (and our entire group was in class today, so that was helpful!). Then, it was home bound for me to make a (very) late lunch. As I was eating lunch I watched the Real World (from last night), then finished my lunch, and seemed to nod off towards the end of the show (I was sitting in bed). I finally gave into my on-off sleep, and cozied down for a nice long nap until about 5:50. I have no idea how long I was napping for? Anyways, then it was up and at 'em again to get ready for geog.
Dale picked me up, and it was so nice to go to our 6:30 class in broad daylight and sunshine! We had a pretty long class which was a pretty big bore... and then Dale and I went to get chili from Tim Ho's. We flipped through channels going back and forth from The Office to Sex and the City to Divine Design. Then we cuddled in bed and discussed some fun stuff, and some serious stuff. We are getting pretty good at the serious/grown-up relationship talks. Then, he dropped me off at home around 1:00, cause I thought I was dead tired, and here I am ... at 3:30 .. wide awake. blah.
Tomorrow ... I plan to ride my bike to the gym, do some cardio and weights, bike home, and shower and stuff. Then, around 2:00, Chel and I are going to climb up Mount Doug. We hope it is going to be beautiful and sunny (as it's been the past 3 days). Neither of us has been up there, and I've been practically dying to get my toosh up there ... so I'm stoked!
Other than that, I have zip weekend plans except for working on my project. I didn't do as well as I'd hoped on the geog midterm, so I'm hoping to step it up a notch, and impress my prof with my craftyness in my scrapbook! Boost my mark, boost my mark!
I hate the new facebook layout. I dunno but B I G jumbo lettering really irritates me, and then way that it's set up is a whole other issue. It's fucking shit (as I told my brother earlier). Facebook was waaay greater as the original. The new layout makes me want to gag and then delete my account. But probably not, it's still too addicting to get rid of. Fack.
---I wanna go to sleep!
Mar 11, 2009
'in march, easy does it'
Still tired...
I think I need another night's rest to recover from those 3 nights. Today I got everything done that I had on my list ... I just need to print out a few things at Dale's (pictures, blurbs for my geog project, and my polisci paper). I had freaked out a bit because I had said earlier that my TA told me I had done all my citations wrong. Well, silly me, I go to check it out today, and well I had just thought I had done them wrong. They are in fact, all correct! I was so happy that I didn't need to go through the entire paper filling in page numbers, dates, and authors all over again.
I am hoping to have my scrapbook done well before it's due (next Thursday evening). I would like to have some down time, and possibly get my Indigenous Studies project out of the way. I haven't even thought about that one yet ... but it seems pretty open, and we needn't share it if we don't want to. I am thinking I'll work on it in Nanaimo, or get ideas from my Uncle and Aunt (who both work closely with Indigenous people).
Tonight I am off with a cup of tea in hand (I got a new travel mug ... Dale left mine at Shaw yesterday, felt sorry, and bought me a new one ... which is actually exactly like the one I had before, but it melted in the dishwasher ... so I am actually very excited. ha), to find some trail mix for Dale and I to munch on. I am going to print some stuff at his place, and then we can cuddle up for some movie watching.
March is turning into one of my favorite months :)
clutter & creativity
I am soo tired this morning. However, I finally caught up on my sleep last night (I had 3 nights in a row of only 6 hour sleeps eek)...I slept for about 10 hours. Hip Hip.
Today is gorgeous and sunny out again (staay away snow!).
On today's list of things to do:
-work on project (I am finally gluing things down!)
-fix citations on paper (as my TA told me that I have been doing incorrectly...whhhhat?)
I am actually excited to work on my project. It is helping let some of my creativity out, and I haven't scrapbooked in so long (even if it is a geography scrapbook) ... so it feels soo good.
Yesterday ... I went to the gym really early (well 9 a.m.), came home and typed out some things for my project, Dale and I went to Shaw to deal with some business, I went to Michael's to look for a scrapbook (found a lovely Martha Stewart rectangle shaped one, for 50% off), and I eyed up a lot of things I wish I could afford. Thank the lord ... my mom informed me that she had some 'extra savings' for me, and that they would be deposited into my account asap. So happy to hear this. I have been fretting all month (and it's only the 10th!) that I have somehow gone into more debt (my computer, and more) ... because I have no idea how much is in my account cause the balance is always this strange negative number with my line of credit. My mom tried to explain this to me last month, but it's all numbers and all over my head, that I can't be bothered with it. But now it seems I needn't be bothered! YAY for moms. Anyways, back to yesterday... I had my tutorial, came home made some chicken and rice for dinns, talked to Tash, read a bit, and then went to bed. I forced myself to stay up til 11:30 just so that I wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night all wide awake.
But, I best be off and get in a good hour's work on the scrapbook before the gym.
Mar 10, 2009
we wine and dine.
So, last night I planned a little surprise for Daley ... I wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day (since I was a sicky-poo in Hawaii, and Dale ended up have Valentine's dinner alone) and today is our 2 years, 6 months (we usually don't do 6 month celebrations, buuut it fit this time). So I picked up some chocolate and strawberries ... and well you can probably guess, I made some chocolate covered strawbs. Lately strawbs have been so bloody expensive (like $6 a container), but I found a sweet deal for $3 a container. Anyways, I also picked up a great Shiraz ... candles lit ... crafty card made ... equals one sweeet surprise.
Dale was pretty happy, and we spent our evening drinking, chatting, and kissing. Later, we went on Skype and talked to a couple of his friends in Oregon. It was nice to see Dale catch up with his buddies.
We were both up early today again: Dale to class, and me to move the car (all cars out of the parkade for a power wash) ... and then to hit up the gym. It's so sunny out today. The weather is sooo strange in Victoria! Yesterday: blizzarding and so crappy, and today warm and sunny. wtf.
Anyways, today I am going to work on my project and later today head down to finally get to Shaw Cable. I have tutorial tonight, but I think I've already read the chapter (I believe that my paper is on this week's subject: Native self-government) ... so I feel fully prepped. Ah, today the bathroom is calling me to clean, as well!
enjoy the suuuuun while youuu can.
bed time, please.
1. move car
2. go to gym
3. project, project, project :)
4. shaw cable
5. polisci tutorial
I am so looking forward to my Dad's visit next week, and going to see Lauren in Nanaimo. Can't wait wait wait.
okay, I'm a sleepyhead now...
Mar 9, 2009
now that's my cup of tea.
Today was yucky. Dale and I went to Starbucks to grab some tea, and even just going from the car to the door, I got covered in snow...I hate that wet, heavy, snow! So I got my tea (they gave me the wrong tea bag, as I realized when I got to school) and scone, and we headed up to the campus. Well, walking from the parking lot to my class (all the way across campus), I looked like a giant snowflake. I was so grumpy cause my hair goes nuts when it rains or snows, and my straightening would have been a waste. But, I wrapped my fav (zeeeebra printed) scarf, like a little old lady, all around my head. So, my hair was saved, but, my tea was luke-warm, and I ended up shivering for the whole class. The rest of the day was okay, cause the snow stopped.
I came home to color and map things out, and listened to a little missy higgins' loves. Then I planned a little surprise (I'll fill you in on another post), and went to get supplies for that. I still have to run and grab one more thing soon. I made a cup of tea to warm me up, and forgot to tell you all about this great tea that Lexa got for my birthday. She got me one of those meshy metal balls to put the tea leaves into (you make your own tea bag! ha), and then two kinds of teas. They are so so so good. One is a black vanilla tea, and another one is called golden phoenix. They both have incredible ingredients in them, and a cup of tea is now a special treat (that I usually have twice a day).

afternoon warm (pick-me) ups.

date night, and snowflakes.

Last night Dale and I went on a date: just out for dinner (but we haven't been in soo long, we've mostly been cooking at home!), and then back to my place for a movie and sleep over. Dinner was great; we went to Milestone's. After being so impressed when I went with Chels, I just had to go back. Of course I had a bellini and another bellini (they are sooo good there), and the red curry chicken bowl (deliiish). Afterwards, being the cheese ball that I am, I wanted to be a tacky tourist in my own town and look at the lit-up Parliament buildings, and take a few pictures. We just took some goofy ones. We then rented One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I had always wanted to see it...so we watched it...I didn't think it was thaaat great..
We woke up this morning to snow. Sick, disgusting, cold, snow... It is sticking to the ground, but the roads look okay to get to school. I hate snow, I am so tired of Victoria's little bursts of winter this year! Anyways, today I have schoolio for 3 hours, and then I'll be coming home to continue working on my project (which included coloring of maps at the moment, sooo elementary school social studies - but effective-), and maybe later using my new glue stick. Excitement! haha.
Anyways, I am just waiting for Dale to finish showering, and then we are off to get some java and breaky before class.
Mar 8, 2009
learning, discovering, being.
Since many girls these days don't seem to 'get' the whole friendship/loyalty/respect thing, I am lucky to have some great besties in my life. And even cooler, is that Carli comes wrapped up in an all-in-one person who duels as a cousin and friend. We are best friend-cousins. I am thrilled to have been spending more time with her lately. We are trying to make Wednesday afternoons our new thing. We usually meet up at the school to get some work done, but mostly just spend the time catching up and telling stories.
We hung out last night and drank some wine. We chatted about all sorts of things, mostly friendship, love, and relationships...we basically covered everything. She slept over, the time changed, and we drank green tea this morning.
I've spent my day cleaning, researching, picture taking, and coming up with some many ideas for so many things. I am really excited and inspired! Dale and I are having a date night tonight: we haven't had a date-date in soo long it seems. So tonight we can catch up (as we have been apart for 4 days)...I have so much to tell him! I have sort of enjoyed this weekend on my own...I think I have just been rejuvenating, and the quality 'me' time has been really great for me and myself, I think!

I've had some time to think of the whole Education program and such, and while I am trying my hardest to get in, I won't be bummed at all if I don't. I think I've said this a million times, but seriously, there are so many other opportunities and career choices, that I'm sure I'll be happy one way or another. Lately, I have been really wanting to do something with fashion or styling. I am not all up-to-date with the latest and greatest, and big names and such...but I do know what works, and what looks good on people. Now we're talking...this kind of stuff interests me! But, again, time will tell...and I'll figure it out.
This week...
-dive into my school project...I am using some of my creativity, so I am actually looking forward to starting!
-get down to Shaw to flash them my student i.d. for a lower prices
-gym, gym, gym
-pick up supplies
-sign up for an IKEA catalogue delivery
-learn how to use my camera settings properly
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